Viorel Mînzu is currently a Professor within the Control and Electrical Engineering Department, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania, teaching Automation Systems and Optimal Control Techniques. He received an ME degree in Computer Engineering from Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania, in June 1981, a PhD degree in Automation Systems from the University of Galati Romania in December 1993, and an MS and PhD degrees in Computer Science and Automation from the University Franche-Comté France in May 1995. Between 1995-1998, he was associate professor within Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques, Besancon, France. His research interest has regarded dynamic systems modelling, control-loop implementation, and assembly system design. Lately, his research activity concerns the multiagent system, optimization using metaheuristics, and optimal control problems using computational intelligence. He received a Doctor Honoris Causa degree from Le Havre Univers
Web of Science ResearcherID: X-5488-2019
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Project website:  http://www.biocon.ugal.ro
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Project website:  http://www.regensys.ugal.ro
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