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Ph.D. degree award:
Associate Profesor PhD. Eng.
Associate Professor
Researcher | Teaching staff | Scientific reviewer
Web of Science ResearcherID:
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Curriculum Vitae (31/08/2023)
Expertise & keywords
Chemical Engineering Processes in Heterogeneous Systems, Chemical Kinetics and Process Modelling
Transport and Transfer Phenomena and Separation Processes, Mass Transfer with /without Chemical Reaction and Specific Equipment
Heterogeneous Catalysis and Catalytic Processes
Electrochemical Processes
Inorganic Industrial Chemistry
air and water quality assessment and remediation
Clean processes modelling
evironmental protection
Environmental pollution prevention and control
Publications & Patents
Reviewer section
Closing the Water Cycle Gap with Harmonised Actions for Sustainable Management of Water Resources
Call name:
P 3 - SP 3.2 - Proiecte ERA.NET - COFUND
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICĂ "GHEORGHE ASACHI" IAŞI (RO); Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NO); University of Technology Sydney (AU); Qingdao University of Technology (CN); ACSA OBRAS E INFRAESTRUCTURAS S.A.U. (ES); Michigan State University (US); Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (IL); Stichting Deltares (NL); University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (PL); Marcor (PL); National University of Singapore (SG); Swedish Environmental Research Institute (SE)
Project website:
The Water Harmony project closes the gap between the demand and supply in water, related to quality, quantity, circularity, reusability, human safety and economic feasibility. The project demonstrates sound and adaptive approaches to modern water management concepts that use BigData and other technological advancements to address challenges related to global environmental and societal changes; validation of innovative technologies that enable safer, secure and economically more feasible use and reuse of water, alongside addressing challenges with emerging pollutants. With joint and harmonised efforts, bringing 12 partners from 10 countries together, the project intends to increase public engagement to sustainably address the water challenges that connect sciences and society by using modern, harmonised and shared approaches. It also aims to facilitate policy decisions favouring actions that intensify efforts to close the demand-supply gap in the water sector by providing scientific backgrounds and social mobilisation of policy makers. This 30 months project is a collaboration between Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Israel, Spain, Poland and Romania together with self-financing partners from USA, Australia, Singapore and China. The partners bring a plethora of experience in various aspects of water management, treatment and reuse, which will translate to knowledge shared and invested in new approaches and through innovative development and concepts that become beneficial for Europe and beyond. The project is organised and implemented through 7 Work Packages (WPs) addressing two strategies. The 1st strategy “Holistic management of the water cycle” is implemented via 4 management demo projects in Sweden, Norway, Poland and Romania and the 2nd strategy “ Development and validation of technologies enhancing water reuse potential” is achieved via 7 technological showcases in Spain, Poland, Israel, USA, Australia, Singapore and China. Sound and adoptive water management concepts to address impacts of the changing global environment, Innovative technologies for removal of micro-pollutants for safer and economical use and reuse of water, Mobilising public engagement on water issues, Promoting investments in the water sector, Dissemination of project results and Sound project management together with innovative approaches as Innovation Camps, Open innovation, etc. are implemented in work packages (WPs), with detailed activities, deliverables and milestones. The ambition of the Water Harmony project to unite competent researchers, end-users, policy makers and the public to develop and jointly demonstrate best practices that are potentially valuable for Europe and beyond addressing the SDG 6 “Ensure access to water and sanitation for all”, and various other instruments from EU, UNECE, WHO, etc. The project brings together a team of extremely motivated scientists and practitioners that are hungry for research results through project achievements, and the opportunity to share and create synergies via a collegial forum. Partners have a long record of accomplishment of mobilising research funding through national, bi-lateral and international funding, thus this new consortia provides new and realistic opportunities with synergies that secure sustainability of the initiative of Closing the water gap in Europe and Beyond.
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List of research grants as project coordinator or partner team leader
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Significant R&D projects for enterprises, as project manager
R&D activities in enterprises
Peer-review activity for international programs/projects
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