Licensee of the Letters Faculty, Bucharest State University, with a Master Degree in Social Media and Online Marketing at FCRP, the Public Relations and Communication Faculty in SNSPA, Bucharest, former English teacher, translator and interpreter, with a MarComm background since 2014 and 13 years insurance experience, I am a passionate communicator always looking for ways to put my entire expertise to its best use. I am currently finalizing my PhD Studies in Communication Sciences at SNSPA, Bucharest, with the research theme “The Relation between Excessive Use of Social Media and Academic Motivation for Romanian Youth” from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives. I have also been an Associated Lecturer at FCRP, the Faculty of Public Relations and Communication at SNSPA, Bucharest since 2017, teaching courses and seminars to master students on Online Public Relations, Brand Positioning Strategies and Techniques, and Online Reputation Management.
Expertise & keywords
List of research grants as project coordinator or partner team leader
Significant R&D projects for enterprises, as project manager
R&D activities in enterprises
Peer-review activity for international programs/projects
[T: 0.4214, O: 90]