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The impact of human mobility networks and weather conditions on COVID-19 spread
Call name:
P 4 - Proiecte de Cercetare Exploratorie, 2020
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The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID19) a pandemic, on March 11, pointing to the over 118,000 cases in over 110 countries and territories around the world that time. When writing this project, the number of confirmed cases has been surging rapidly past 7,5 million mark, emphasizing the sustained risk of further global spread. In this convoluted context, governments in Romania and worldwide have imposed movement restrictions to reduce virus transmissions. These preventive measures caused undesirable socio-economic effects such as unemployment, migration crisis, psychological trauma, etc. In parallel, some pundits have claimed that COVID19 case variations are to be accounted for not only by the policy interventions but also by weather conditions. However, the scientific results reported so far are inconclusive. Given this context, our project aims to extend the knowledge of how human mobility and weather conditions impact upon the COVID19 spread. Specifically, we examine the role of human-to-human virus transmission networks and travel patterns in the COVID19 outbreak in Romania. Also, we study the effects of weather conditions on the virus spread while taking stock of travelling flows, socio-economic and policy factors. We advance a novel approach that combines methods from social network science and physics. Results are expected to support authorities in managing COVID19 later stages and in handling socio-economic associated challenges.
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The Role of Social Transnational Fields in the Emergence, Maintenance and Decay of Ethnic and Demographic Enclaves (orbits)
Call name:
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Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Project partners:
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (RO); UNIVERSITATEA BUCURESTI (RO)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (RO)
Project website:
Currently, more than 20 million European citizens live in a country other than their country of origin. Among them, the Romanian diaspora is one of the most important, being Spain one of the major countries of destination. However, this diaspora has not been spread evenly throughout Spanish geography, but has sometimes been concentrated in specific areas, forming "demographic enclaves" or concentrations of people of the same origin in a specific place.
The emergence and evolution of these enclaves is not only understood from their internal dynamics, but we believe that it is essential to link them to the transnational networks of social relationships with relatives and acquaintances of persons, to the role of institutions in the two countries, such as consulates or churches, and to companies that are created in these enclaves. This is what we call a "transnational social field".
In this research, we apply a transnational perspective to study how European citizens seek better opportunities through intra-European mobility. With the example of this collective of Romanian origin, we intend to make their reality and their culture better known.
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Longitudinal Analysis of Coauthorship Networks and Citations in Academia (iCoNiC)
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The first research objective is to assess the extent to which coauthorship relations (structures) positively impact on the university researchers’ distributions of citations, in a longitudinal framework. Specifically, do the shape and the composition of coauthorship networks explain the variation of the citations that an individual researcher exhibits, during a particular period of time?
A second closely related research objective consists in investigating whether the shape and the composition of the coauthorship networks are research field specific and country-oriented. Namely, we are interested to analyze:
a) if coauthorship patterns significantly differ across research fields, due to research disciplines’ particularities;
b) whether there is a specific time development (structuring) of personal coauthorship networks due to research field particularities and to national (domestic) institutional arrangements;
c) whether researchers act strategically when decide to coauthor and how do they manage ethical challenges (e.g. honorary and ghost authorship, duplicate and redundant publications, conflict of interests, student exploitation, etc.)
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Longitudinal analysis of co-authorship networks and citations in academia
Call name:
P 1 - SP 1.1 - Proiecte de cercetare pentru stimularea tinerelor echipe independente
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In the sociology of science, the study on the relationship between coauthorship networks and citations is an emerging topic. Citations are currently pivotal to research evaluation. Coauthorship networks are specific configurations of collaboration ties: two scholars have a coauthorship tie if they share at least one joint publication.
So far, little is known on whether and to what extent the shape and the composition of coauthorship networks positively affect citation accumulation. In this respect, the scant literature reports contradictory results. Also, the longitudinal investigation of strategic coauthorship behavior is still in its infancy. In effect, evidence on how coauthorship practices are influenced, through time, by peers’ prestige (in terms of citations) and other antecedents (legislation, ethics, etc.) is non-existent.
An interdisciplinary research team with expertise in social network analysis, computer science and applied ethics will investigate the relationship between coauthorship networks and citations, employing a longitudinal analysis framework. The publication record of university scholars embedded in 6 countries (ROU, SVN, POL, ESP, DNK, and DEU) and 4 research fields (biology, computer science, philosophy and sociology) will be collected out of web platforms by algorithms. Also, scholars’ perceptions will be measured via interviews. Empirical data will be analyzed through social network analysis procedures and statistical model testing.
Results are expected to advance the knowledge on how scholars collaborate in academia and accumulate citations. The project has several practical implications: a) it contributes to the efforts of policy makers to design efficient research policies for encouraging scientific collaborations; b) it accounts for the research and innovation disparities among EU countries; c) it sheds light on how research is produced in Eastern European universities (a topic that received little attention in the literature).
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[T: 0.5228, O: 160]