Ion Petre is an award-winning researcher and educator who specializes in multi-disciplinary research on data analytics and computational modeling. He has over 25 years of experience in Finland, Romania, and the US. He has led many R&D projects and got them externally and competitively funded with over 4 million euros. He is an author of over 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications, and an invited speaker at many international conferences. He has excellent analytical skills, ability to work in and lead multi-disciplinary teams, and strong interpersonal skills. Ion enjoys developing practical solutions to complex computational challenges, based on state of the art AI technology.
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Project website:  http://www.incdsb.ro/p/permed/
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List of research grants as project coordinator or partner team leader
Significant R&D projects for enterprises, as project manager
R&D activities in enterprises
Peer-review activity for international programs/projects
[T: 0.5595, O: 135]