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Ph.D. degree award:
director stiintific
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Researcher | Manager | PhD supervisor
Web of Science ResearcherID:
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Expertise & keywords
plant biostimulants, biofertilizer, biopesticide, biological plant protection,
Biomass valorisation
cascade processing
conservation agriculture, no-tillage, high-residues farming
Publications & Patents
Reviewer section
The sustainable development of a disinfectant product, with multiple functions, used in the prevention of skin dysbiosis
Call name:
PNCDI IV, SP 5.7.1 - Proiect de transfer la operatorul economic
Role in this project:
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
KLINTENSIV S.R.L. (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The aim of the project is to create a new generation cream gel-type disinfectant with multiple functions: disinfection, hydration and prevention of skin dysbiosis by combining the functions of hand hygiene with those of restoring the hydrolipidic barrier. The innovative character of the proposed technology is determined by: (i) the use of the disinfection and hydration property of lactic acid, and the valorization of active compounds extracted from aloe plant material, enriched with microelements; (ii) the formulation of the gel-type cream as a heterogeneous, stable system for encapsulating active substances through a sustainable process for obtaining cold emulsions, a suitable process for thermolabile active substances; (iii) the use of lipids of natural origin that favor the maintenance of a normal microbiome, reducing the loss of water from the skin. The objectives of the project are: the development of a functional pilot plant for the manufacture of skin disinfectants; validation of disinfectant production technology, in the industrial environment; demonstration of the functionality of the technology in the industrial environment by testing the physico-chemical, rheological, dermatological properties and the biocidal efficacy, concerning to approval for commercialization. Based on these we believe that the multi-effect cream gel-type, for human hygiene disinfectant/s (TP1) created by the project represents a viable alternative to alcohol-based hand gels.
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Prototype coating system to reduce the CO2 footprint and environmental impact in shipping
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect de transfer la operatorul economic
Role in this project:
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
QWERTY DEVELOPMENT MACADA-M S.R.L. (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
https://sparacom.ro/rezultate/ si https://sparacom.ro/date-generale/
SPARACOM is a complex solution for the transfer to the economic operator, in order to increase the competitiveness of the economic environment and the assimilation of market-oriented RDI results. The consortium involves the collaboration between an innovative company and a large research institute in the field. The proposal aims at the efficient maximization of the financing instrument (technological maturation of TRL4 to TRL6; it starts from the technology validated within PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1332, 84PED, financed by UEFISCDI; the use of an infrastructure at international level; SMEs with high innovative potential; avant-garde technological solution, an opportunity at the level of the international market; connecting national applied research to the national and international market). The budget is balanced by allowing adequate and flexible resources for better management and contingency plans. To maximize the final results some activities and budgetary resources from outside the project are committed to increase the visibility and impact of research. The CO and P1 research team implies an important institutional character: members from several departments and research teams together with the valorization of competencies. The technological approach involves advanced hybrid antifouling systems (and acting in a sequential mode) but also a self-repair system with potential in freshwater and marine environments (a major challenge in the field). The expected results involve both TRL technology and at least: a paper at scientific events, a paper sent for publication to an ISI publication, a patent application, a web page.
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Eco-friendly nanocomposites based on bio-PA and bio-fillers for injected auto parts
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect experimental - demonstrativ
Role in this project:
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE DEZVOLTARE PENTRU TEHNOLOGII IZOTOPICE SI MOLECULARE I N C D T I M (RO)
Project website:
The ECONANO4AUTO project offers an innovative and efficient solution for the field of smart specialization - Energy, environment and climate changes, namely reducing the CO2 footprint and accumulations of polymeric waste, by developing of new and innovative technology for obtaining of new polymer bio-nanocomposites based on bio-PA and keratin/ nanoparticle hybrids, lightweight and with improved thermal and mechanical properties. Starting from high-performances bio-PA10,10 and a natural waste (chicken feathers) the project will provide at the end a viable, low cost and eco-friendly solution for effective using of chicken feathers and reducing of impact on environmental pollution. The developed technology will be validated in laboratory conditions to obtain parts by injection moulding. A toxicological study will be carried out regarding the nanomaterials action on the epidermal and pulmonary cells and a methodological guide will be elaborated regarding the prevention of the risks related to the work with nanoparticles. The partnership for this project involves 2 R&D National Institutes, well known in Romania and abroad, competent in the project field and with scientific and technical potential for development and characterization the new technology for obtaining bio-polymer nanocomposites.
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Foliar fertilizers with increased effectiveness
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect de transfer la operatorul economic
Role in this project:
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
Project website:
The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness of the coordinating company, Agsira SRL, and of the farmers using high efficiency fertilizers proposed by the project, by assimilating a RDI result in the field of circular bioeconomy.
The high efficiency fertilizers proposed by this project are in the category of liquid fertilizers, which are applied as a treatment for the aerial parts of plants, by spraying. The novelty is that these fertilizers include brewer's yeast walls with multiple roles: formulation agent (surfactant, moisturizer and foliar adhesive), chelating for mineral oligo- and micro-nutrients and biostimulant for plants.
The objectives of the project are: (i) the development of a pilot plant for the production of high efficiency foliar fertilizers; (ii) validation of pilot technology for the production of high efficiency fertilizers in an industrial environment; (iii) demonstration of the functionality of the technology in the industrial environment by characterizing and testing high efficiency fertilizers.
The main innovative aspect is the use of yeast cell walls as a multifunctional ingredient, formulation agent (surfactant, moisturizer and foliar adhesive), chelating for oligo- and micro-nutrients and biostimulant for plants. Another innovative aspect is the use of a second generation biostimulant, which includes exo-signals for crop plants. Through the proposed project we intend to validate and demonstrate in the industrial environment the fertilizer manufacturing technology using this second generation of plant biostimulants, concentrated exo-signals from the category of elicitors produced from yeast cell wall, which are combined with mannoproteins, formulation agent and chelating.
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Strigolactone mimics as the active ingredient of a multifunctional plant biostimulant
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect experimental - demonstrativ
Role in this project:
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); UNIVERSITATEA BUCURESTI (RO); ENPRO SOCTECH COM SRL (RO)
Project website:
The RhizoSTIM project aims to develop a multifunctional next-generation plant biostimulant product based on strigolactones mimics. This product will act both as a modulator of the rhizomicrobiome and as a regulator of plant response to stress. Strigolactones (SL) are both in-planta and ex-planta signals. These compounds are plant hormones, endogenous molecules that regulate plant response to stress, ecomones/semiochemicals, and exogenous signals involved in plants communication in the rhizosphere. The project objectives are: (i) to design and to develop new strigolactones mimics acting on rhizosphere microorganisms and on plant internal regulating cascade; (ii) to understand the effect of strigolactones mimics on rhizosphere microorganisms and model plants (iii) to test the strigolactone mimics on model systems. The expected results of the project are: (i) QSAR / SAR analysis of SLs mimics by predicting their biological activity as plant biostimulants, useful to guide the synthesis of the new strigolactone mimics; (ii) new chemically synthesized SL mimics, (iii) selected SL mimics with specific activities on beneficial microorganisms from the rhizosphere, others than AMF fungi, substantiated by (iv) in silico identification of the strigolactones putative receptors from rhizosphere microorganisms; (v) demonstration of strigolactone mimics effects on plant and rhizosphere microorganisms which should substantiate the claims for a (vi) multifunctional next-generation plant biostimulant. The RhizoStim project main novelties are related to: (i) synthesis of SL mimics according to a QSAR / SAR analysis, (putative) fungal receptor identification, and atom economy concept, and (ii) multifunctionality, related to effects on plant internal regulating cascade and to effects on microorganisms from the rhizosphere.
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Screening and designing biostimulants using electrochemical sensors and fluorescent bioassay: filling the gap between industry and science.
Call name:
P 1 - SP 1.1 - Proiecte de cercetare Postdoctorală - PD-2021
Role in this project:
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The empirical industrial development of the biostimulants created a gap between the positive results obtained in plant breeding/productivity and the scientific knowledge of the mode/mechanism of action of these biostimulants to favor plant or crop breeding/productivity. The study of Plant Biostimulants (PBs) is an emergent field, in contrast with different biostimulant being already used on the industrial market. Nowadays, formulation/optimization of PBs is by hazard, not by design and scientific and socio-economical community does not benefit of the best formulation of biostimulants. The lack of such strategy to design biostimulants must be considered by the scientific community. Biochemical priming is one of the proposed mechanisms and it involves increased tolerance to reactive oxygen/nitrogen species such as peroxynitrite (PON) in abiotic stress conditions. Studying and screening the scavenging effect of such species of different plants mixtures (such as seaweed extracts, protein hydrolysates or different biopolymers) could lead the way to a faster, more efficient development of PBs, in accordance with bioeconomy and climate change mitigation. This project proposes to use PON selective biosensors to screen and choose between different statistically designed formulations, and to confirm the selected biostimulants with bioassay (mainly fluorescent) on plants, followed by the validation (studying on plants: resistance to salts, biomass/ secondary metabolites accumulation).
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Integrated use of the next generation plant biostimulants for an enhanced sustainability of field vegetable high residue farming systems
Call name:
EEA Grants - Proiecte Colaborative de Cercetare
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NO); INSTITUTUL DE CHIMIE MACROMOLECULARA "PETRU PONI" (RO); Norgenotech AS (NO); ENPRO SOCTECH COM SRL (RO); AMIA INTERNATIONAL IMPORT EXPORT S.R.L. (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The project addresses mainly the thematic area of Biotechnology, more exactly the key topic Biotechnology for agriculture, aquaculture, forestry and biomass production. The biotechnological solutions which STIM4+ project proposes to develop are intended to compensate the negative effects of the low-input, high-residue sustainable vegetable production systems. These proposed biotechnological solutions are related to the use of the next generation plant biostimulants. Plant biostimulants represent an emerging class of agricultural input, which protect plants against abiotic stress, enhance / benefits nutrients uptake and improve yield quality . The proposed plant biostimulants to be used for an enhanced sustainability of field vegetables grown in a high residue system are including into all classes / subclasses mentioned in the new EU Regulation 1009/2019. The multi-functional Trichoderma strains-based plant biostimulants (a microbial plant biostimulants) will be included into a glycodinameric, chitosan based bioactive (micro)hydrogel formulation. Decoration of microgels with anchor peptides will be used as a (micro)hydrogel tackifier on the plant residues. The bioactive hydrogel is based on an organic plant biostimulants (chitosan), which will be used to generate a biocompatible 3D porous structure, thermo- and pH-responsive and with a hydrophilic – hydrophobic segregation feature. This hydrophilic – hydrophobic segregation (micro)hydrogels will be used for embedding hydrophobic mimetic strigolactones. Propper application technologies of such smart formulated hydrophobic molecules will be developed, to exploit strigolactones both functions, as exo-signals for a better harnessing of beneficial microbiome and as cue for deleterious organisms (e.g. to induce suicidal germination of parasitic plants). The smart formulated bioproducts / agricultural inputs and the agricultural practices intended to exploit their specific features of such bioproducts are an example of biotechnologies for agriculture. The natural strigolactones mimics will be a part of the microbial standardized extract, which we intend to produce from microalgae culture and which is another example of organic plant biostimulant. This microbial standardized extract will include natural strigolactones, polyamines and betaines. Both strigolactones and polyamines are exo- and endo-signals. As exo-signals, both strigolactones and polyamines have been demonstrated to enhance mycorrhizae hyphal branching and root colonization. As endo-signals, both strigolactones and polyamines are involved in plant stress responses. Betaine also supports plant response to stress, especially to drought. Strigolactone mimics used for laboratory screening will be synthetized based on a rational bio-design. The inorganic plant biostimulants are represented by selenium, as zerovalent nano-selenium. A large body of evidence demonstrates that selenium acts as a plant biostimulant. Selenium protects plants against abiotic stress, especially drought, enhances / benefits nutrient uptake and improves edible yield quality. Nanoselenium (zerovalent) particles show a much lower environmental impact and an improved efficiency compared to other selenium species. Application of selenium nanoparticles reduces the risk of accumulation of polyamines in the edible yield. From a food safety point-of-view, accumulation of polyamines in vegetables grown into HV mulch could have some carcinogenic effects, because polyamines were found to support proliferation of various tumor cells.
The project is an interdisciplinary one and address also other key topics as Environmental impact and risk assessment of the modern, new and emerging technologies and products. Safety and environmental impact of the new developed products will be determined by a state-of-art 3R techniques, by Norway partners. The project contributes to the objectives and the priorities of the call. It supports research cooperation between Romania and Norway and consolidate a strategic partnership.
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Better harnessing of Trichoderma biotechnological potential for biorefinery and as plant biostimulants by controlled development and biosynthesis
Call name:
P 4 - Proiecte de Cercetare Exploratorie, 2020
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Project TOTAL aims to investigate and integrate abiotic modulation and epigenetic control of Trichoderma strains within the context of Trichoderma interactions with biomass and living matter, for better harnessing of Trichoderma biotechnological potential. The specific objectives of the project are: (i) To establish and optimize the combined effects of light and nutrients on expression of proteins acting on plant cell walls and spore formation by Trichoderma strains; (ii) To optimize the deconstruction of plant cell walls by Trichoderma secreted proteins; (iii) To synergize the plant biostimulants effects of Trichoderma chlamydospores. The current approaches targeted the optimization of Trichoderma utilization either in agriculture or in biorefinery. The optimization of culture conditions have been in general focused either on improving sporulation to be used in biopesticides formulations or on the enzyme production for biomass deconstruction. Secondary products have been usually disregarded and discarded. An integrative technology to benefit from both advantages that Trichoderma offers has not been established. We plan to integrate the investigation of the fundamental aspects of Trichoderma development (light-, nutrient- and stress- mediated chlamydospore formation; cell signaling pathways; epigenetic effects) with its growth optimization for the use in both biomass valorization and plant biostimulant formulations.
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Call name:
P 3 - SP 3.2 - Proiecte ERA.NET
Role in this project:
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); ECONIRV SRL (RO); EPI-SISTEM S.R.L. (RO); Metrohm Dropsens, S.L. (ES)
Project website:
The NITRISENS project aims to develop a method for manufacturing of a portable system for nitrite monitoring in soil based on an innovative electrochemical sensor inserted in a 3D printed soil solution extractor.
Specific objectives of the project are:
- To manufacture of a new cost-effective and robust SPE sensor integrated in a 3Dprinted soil solution extraction system for nitrite determination in soil
- To design and manufacture of an wireless portable detector for nitrite determination in soil using the new nitrite sensors
- To demonstrate the functionality of the nitrite monitoring system for the fast and precise monitoring of nitrite in soil, as well as the soil nitrification process
The integrated platform for on-field measuring of nitrite directly in soil responds to the urgent need of a tool for soil nitrification monitoring and controlling in real-time.
Benefits and market impact: real-time monitoring of soil pollution; reducing of amount of N-fertilizers; potential to introduce on the market of cost effective tools for precision agriculture strategies; widening the range of products of the SMEs involved in project; increasing of the international collaboration in ERA.
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Biotechnological strategies for innovative construction materials incorporating bacterial bioproduct
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect experimental - demonstrativ
Role in this project:
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); CEPROCIM S.A. (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
https://icechim.ro/bioconstrmater; https://icechim.ro/bioconstrmater-en
The fabrication of materials from living organisms (bacteria, fungi, etc) could represent a significant domain of biotechnological investigation, with consequence in reducing the negative impact of concrete industry over environment. Microbial induced calcium carbonate precipitation can be incorporate into a technology with beneficial effects on remediation of cement fractures and cracks, improving the durability and reducing the costs with replacement of damaged construction materials.
The project scope is to obtain an innovative bioproduct, used to deliver bacteria to concrete matrix, in order to produce sustainable building materials with enhanced durability.
The degree of project novelty consists in the use of by-products from agro-industry as adjuvants to sustain the bacterial cells survival in mixtures for building materials.
The proposal starts at TRL2, by formulating the technology concept - to obtain an innovative bacterial bioproduct as bacterial cells formulated with agro-industrial by-products, and the application – by incorporating the bacterial bioproduct in mixtures for construction materials in order to improve their durability. The specific objectives envisaged: to optimize the bio precipitation of calcium carbonate at selected strain; to improve the bacterial cells survival in mixtures by adding agro-industrial by-products; to obtain the improvement of construction materials; to test and validate the material improvement on laboratory level, through elaborated technology.
The project is experimentally highly feasible due to the significant biotechnological expertise of the work group of coordinator (INCDCP-ICECHIM), specialized in the obtainment of microbial bioproducts, and partner experience (CEPROCIM SA) to prepare composite materials based on cement and environmentally friendly products from renewable raw materials. From scientific point of view, this approach represents an interdisciplinary connection between biotechnology and engineering.
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Biogenic nano-system for targeted delivery of bioactive ingredients on dysbiosis biofilm involved in gingivitis and periodontitis
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect experimental - demonstrativ
Role in this project:
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
BioNanoGum project proposal aims to develop an innovative biogenic nano-system for resolution of dysbiosis oral biofilms and inflammation involved in gingivitis and periodontitis, based on an innovative bacterial nanocellulose - fungal (nano)chitosan stimuli-responsive hydrogel, biogenic selenium nanoparticles (bioSeNPs), and hollow pollen shells filled with biogenic silica nanoparticles (bioSiOxNPs). Gingivitis and periodontitis affect more than 30% of globe population and can lead to teeth loss, but also other complications and severe diseases (Alzheimer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases). SeNPs, silicic acid released from SiOxNPs, and chitosan nano-structures determine (frank) resolution of dysbiosis biofilms and inflammation. However, there are also several drawbacks such as a very narrow physiological window (in the case of Se), or induced inflammation through a MAMPs similar mechanism, mediated by the Toll-like receptors (in the case of SiOxNPs). New formulations are needed in order to reduce risks of negative effects and to optimize the beneficial effects. BioNanoGum will use compounds acting complementary to SeNPs, which will lead to the reduction of Se dose. The pollen shells, obtained by Kombucha fermentation, will be used as encapsulation carriers for SiOxNPs, which allows bearing benefits from the anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and wound-healing effects of the silicic acid slowly released from bioSiOxNPs. The biogenic nano-system will deliver different components into a complementary manner and will act both on the resolution of pathogenic biofilms and on that of inflammation. BioNanoGum involves the niche between biotechnology and nanotechnology with health applications. This niche market has a significant growing potential, because it addresses several of the main health problems in the European Union and worldwide, from the beginning of the 21st century : an ageing population, with an increased incidence of non-communicable / chronic disease.
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New Amine based DES’s SOlvent development for CO2 capture in a demonstrative pilot Installation by Chemical Absorption Technology
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect experimental - demonstrativ
Role in this project:
Partner team leader
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The purpose of this project is to develop the post-combustion chemical absorption of carbon dioxide by testing new physico-chemical solvents hybrid amine-deep eutectic solvents (DES). In this project, at least three types of amine eutectic hybrid solvents, (ChCl-MEA), (ChCl-DEA) and (ChCl-MDEA) will be used. Through experimental and modeling-simulation studies, the validation of the CO2 capture post-combustion technology in the case of its integration in the circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) technology using fossil fuels such as lignite will be conducted. At the same time, it is desired to identify CO2 sequestration solutions by developing algae culture that are characterized by an absorption capacity of 15-20 times higher than the usual plants. The overall objective of the project is to develop the technological maturity level (from TRL 3 to TRL 4) up to the laboratory scale of the CFBC plant provided with post-combustion CO2 capture through chemical absorption belonging to the „CO2 Capture Technologies” laboratory from the Power Engineering Faculty from University Polytechnic of Bucharest. Optimization and validation of CO2 chemical absorption technology will focus on: reducing the energy penalty; solvent flow minimization (L/G ratio); increasing the absorption capacity of the hybrid amine-DES solvent; diminish of solvent losses in the absorption-desorption columns; evaluation of economic indicators CAPEX, OPEX, the levelised cost of electricity as well as the cost avoided with CO2 emission. Together with the coordinator of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, the consortium also includes the partner ICECHIM - the National Research and Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry recognized for its experience in the development of chemical, physical solvents and respectively the development of algae cultures for CO2 sequestration.
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Biorefining of the side streams resulted from cyprinids commercialization
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect de transfer la operatorul economic
Role in this project:
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
MEDICA FARMIMPEX S.R.L. (RO); INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE DEZVOLTARE PENTRU STIINTE BIOLOGICE (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The aim of the project is to increase the competitivness of the coordinating company Medica Farmimpex and of the economic agents beneficiaries of the products obtained by the project, by assimilating some CDI results and by strengthening the partnership with research units in the fild of Bioeconomy-Biotechnology.
As result of this project it is expected to obtain high value-added products, trough an integrated extractive biotechnology, from the side streams of the commercialization of freshwater fish (cypridins).
Through the biotechnology that would be carried out at industrial level by the project coordinator, they will recover from the lateral flows of freshwater fish processing: collagen hydrolysate (nutraceuticals for human use) and gelatin like polypeptides (plant biostimulants). The remaining residue after the extraction of the peptides is processed into bone flour which is an essential nutritional supplement for feeding predatory fishes. Each of these products has a high use value associated with a significant market value.
The objectives of the project are: (i) to develope a pilot installation to obtain high valued products from the side streams of the fish commercialization; (ii) to validate the integrated technology in industrial environment; (iii) to demonstrate the functionality of the technology in the industrial environment by characterising and testing the obtained high added - value products.
The innovative character is given by the integrated concept of total capitalisation of the fish by-products. Another innovative aspect is the development of the quality assurance system, using NIR spectroscopic sensors coupled with a chemometric analysis.
The project parteners are INCDSB and INCD-ICHECHIM. INCDSB has the necessary expertise to transfer the technology for obtaining collagen hydrolysates. INCD-ICECHIM has the expertise to obtain and characterise the peptides as plants biostimulants.
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Separation, fractionation and isolation of biologically active natural substances from corn oil and other side streams
Call name:
P 3 - SP 3.6 - Premierea participării în Orizont 2020
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The EXCornsEED project aims to exploit the convergence between science, chemistry, biology, engineering and biotechnology tools for the creation of new knowledge and innovative applications to develop and validate an integrated process of innovative and highly sustainable extraction, purification and concentration technologies to be applied to biorefineries side streams.
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Closing the bioeconomy value chains by manufacturing market demanded innovative bioproducts
Call name:
P 1 - SP 1.2 - Proiecte complexe realizate in consorții CDI
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Agriculture and food industry in Romania generates large amounts of co/by-products, which are not used and turn into wastes, with negative impacts. The approach of the project PRO-SPER is to develop integrated processes, flexible and interconnected, to transform a number of agro-food by-products in bio-products, with market demand. This approach facilitates the achievement of project goals, complex-coordination and linking of the research organizations that are members of the Consortium, INCDCP-ICMPP, UDJ, ICECHIM, INCDSB and UAV, for improving their institutional performance in the field of nano-and bio-technologies of their application into bioeconomy.
The overall objective of the project PRO-SPER is to increase the impact of research and development activities and innovation of the RDI institutions, by developing and harnessing innovative technological solutions for bio-nano-processing of several by-products from the bioeconomy value chains, for recovering and/or formation of value-added components and their use in order to obtain products with high added value.
Expected results through the implementation of the project (21 new jobs, 23 national patent applications and international patent applications 6 EPO/WIPO; 10 technologies/new products resulting from the project, at a level of technological maturity to enable taking over by the operators, 5 services research and technological research services 10 cheques, 10 experiments cheques services
80 internship of young researchers from and within partner institutions, 50 visits for developing new techniques for working jointly in the Consortium, 30 training internships for new employees, 28scientific papers, 1 joint program CDI, in line with the development plan of institutional partners) have a significant impact on the capacity-building of the partners in the Consortium.
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Energetic efficiency biogas plants improvement by integrated system: biogas-microalgae-biofuels in frame of biorefinery concept (AlgalBiogasConceptEnergy)
Call name:
P 1 - SP 1.2 - Proiecte complexe realizate in consorții CDI
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
http://www.icechim-rezultate.ro/proiect.php?id=38&lang=ro; http://www.icechim-rezultate.ro/proiect.php?id=39&lang=en
The complex project propose the development and demonstration of innovative technologies to optimize the biogas plants by integrating the open ponds for microalgae cultivation using the digestate resulted from anaerobic digestion as a culture medium. The integral valorization of microalgae biomass consists in: obtaining of algal extracts (for co-digestion), lipid fraction (for biofuels) and spent biomass (co-digestion substrate); advanced separation and valorization of biogas by carbon dioxide conversion to biomethane; biorefining of the solid digestate and lipid fractions obtained from algal biomass into biochar, fuel components, bitumen fluxes, biohydrogen and liquefiable gaseous fractions. As results of this project will be: a demonstrated technology at TRL 6 level within the biogas-microalge integrated and an experimental stand for the evaluation of biomethane and liquefied gaseous hydrocarbons combustion efficiency and emission control.
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Production of ferulic acid, 2,3 Butanediole and microbial plant biostimulants from lignocellulosic biomass by a two-step cascading process
Call name:
P 3 - SP 3.2 - Proiecte ERA.NET
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); ENPRO SOCTECH COM SRL (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The DEBUT project aims to develop a small biorefinery process, with two steps: 1) biomass pre-treatment with natural deep eutectic solvents (NaDES); and 2) one pot production of a versatile chemical, 2,3 butanediol (2,3-BD), from NaDES pre-treated lignocellulose biomass, by simultaneous saccarification and fermentation (SSF), performed by a plant biostimulant microbial consortia. The main biochemicals resulting from the biorefinery process are phenolic acids, specially ferulic acid, and 2,3-BD. Phenolic acids address mainly health and wellness-related industries, whereas 2,3-BD is a versatile chemical, with a fast-growing market. The proposed biorefinery process produces also agricultural inputs such as lignin, minerals and microbial plant biostimulants. A first project novelty is related to the use of a plant biostimulant microbial consortium for simultaneous saccarification and fermentation of lignocellulose. According to our knowledge such approach has not been done yet. On such process there are no by-products – recalcitrant lignocellulose, not converted to 2-3 BD, together with embedded microbial biostimulants biomass, is a useful agricultural input - a microbial plant biostimulant. Process up-scale to TRL5 is done also in an innovative manner, through adaptation of the already known equipment to newly developed technology. For NaDES extraction we propose to use the continuous operated reconfigurable columns systems, applied for decades for various types of extraction (e.g. for extraction of soluble from coffee). For SSF with microbial plant biostimulant consortium we propose the use of vacuum operated ploughshare mixer. This approach will ensure not only a better recovery of volatile 2,3 BD, but also a higher specificity of the fermentation medium, due to micro-aerobic conditions. The DEBUT project proposes a new approach of small scale biorefinery, compatible with a farm facility, which valorises agricultural side streams, with recovery of minerals and lignin (main precursor of soil organic matter) for agricultural use, and production of an innovative agricultural input, a microbial plant biostimulant. The project proposes a biotechnological two step cascading process, which converts excess lignocellulosic biomass into biochemicals (phenolic acids, 2,3 B-D), with added-value and fast-growing market. The main innovative solutions, NaDES and microbial plant biostimulant, are investigated for their potential adverse effects by a battery of state-of-the art techniques, in an trans-national partnership, to ensure that they do not affect natural ecosystem productivity.
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Development of a demonstrator to produce next generation plant biostimulants based on root exudates
Call name:
P 3 - SP 3.2 - Proiecte ERA.NET - COFUND
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); CHEMI CERAMIC F SRL (RO); RODAX IMPEX S.R.L. (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Plant biostimulants are a new class of agricultural inputs, which increase nutrient uptake and nutrient use efficiency, improve plant tolerance to abiotic stress and enhance crop quality. The DEMETRE project aims to develop and to validate devices, tooling and equipment needed to (bio)manufacture a new product, from the (emerging) next generation of plant biostimulants. The proposed new plant biostimulants product is based on concentrated bioactive compounds from root exudates. The main innovation overcurrent state-of-the art is related to the new, flexible (bio)manufacturing method, which join two known products in a two-in-one synergic product. During its use, the proposed two-in-one product will fulfill two functions: as soil conditioner and as reservoir for the slow release of the selected bioactive compound(s). The needs addressed by the project DEMETRE are related to: (i) agricultural market requirements for new inputs, reducing the consumption and the environmental impact of agrochemicals while maintaining / increasing profitability; and (ii) societal requirements for a circular (bio)economy, wherein the loop is closed due to the valorization of agroindustrial byproducts. In the last years the interest of the economic agents and researchers for the development of new, more active plant biostimulants have been growing. Such active ingredients were proposed to be searched among exosignals, which regulate the plant – beneficial microbes interactions. Root exudates are a source of chemical signals shaping rhizosphere interactions, thus are a logical target to produce next generation plant biostimulant.
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A next generation plant biostimulant based on strigolactones included into stimuli responsive nanoformulation
Call name:
P 3 - SP 3.2 - Proiecte ERA.NET
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); INSTITUTUL DE CHIMIE MACROMOLECULARA "PETRU PONI" (RO); ENPRO SOCTECH COM SRL (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The BENDIS project aims to integrate technologies for the industrial production of a next generation plant biostimulant based on strigolactones (SL) analogs and/or mimics, included into a stimulus-controlled release nanoformulation. A better harnessing of exogenously applied SL analogues/mimics requires such formulations, which protect SL from rapid degradation and promote their steady release at the biologically active concentrations under controlled conditions – i.e. roots mediated pH changes in the soil. The nanoformulation includes mesoporous nanosilica, loaded with a hydrophobic "green" solvent with dissolved SL analogues/mimics. Mesoporous nanosilica particles are decorated with humic acids, wherein SL are embedded. Humic acids are immobilized on mesoporous silica through an aminopropyl bonding.
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Manufacturing of new analytical systems for toxin hazard assessment in diary industry
Call name:
P 3 - SP 3.2 - Proiecte ERA.NET
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); EPI-SISTEM S.R.L. (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Project aims to develop a new manufacturing method for an analytical system, based on an innovative combined surface-plasmon resonance - electrochemical platform integrated into an on-line flow analysis configuration. The project is co-ordinated by ICECHIM, the biggest R&D institute in chemistry field from Romania. Partners are DropSens, a very successful SME from Asturias, Spain and Epi Sistem, an ambitious SME from Romania. Partners’ expertise, capabilities and market share complete each other in a synergic way, due to the research subject complexity and interdisciplinarity: from immunoassay concept to flow immunoanalyzer design and optimisation; from manufacturing of devices to final integration of the analytical system for toxin hazard assessment in dairy industry.
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A next generation plant biostimulants product
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect experimental - demonstrativ
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); CHEMI CERAMIC F SRL (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
This project aims to develop and to validate a new product, from the (emerging) next generation of plant biostimulants. This new product includes concentrated active ingredients, from a new bio-resource, and a carrier, acting itself as a plant biostimulants. Plant biostimulants assure sustainable intensification of agricultural production, in face of major challenges. The main project novelty is related to: (i) the active ingredient concentration process, from a new bio-resource, assisted by a new electrochemical technique, for peroxynitrite determination and (ii) the formulation process, wherein a carrier with biostimulants characteristics is used. The existing category of non-microbial plant biostimulants are extracts of organic fertilizers / organic amendments, traditionally used in agriculture. Organic non-microbial plant biostimulants shall contain “carbon of solely animal or plant origin” (COM (2016) 157), thus the next generation of more active and more efficient plant biostimulants will be concentrated bioactives from the present / existing extracts. Project NEXUS objectives are: (i) to optimize product components and to improve compatibility; (ii) to develop demonstration model, through components integration and (iii) to test and to validate demonstration model, on laboratory conditions. Objectives are related to different TRL. Improved compatibility and optimal composition of microalgae extract (1st objective) allow critical function and/or characteristic analysis and improvement (TRL 3). Components integration (2nd objective) and product testing in laboratory conditions (3rd objective) permit technological development till TRL 4. The project work plan is divided into 6 activities (Work Packages): WP1 Humic acids loaded macroporous ceramics; WP2 Optimized microalgae concentrated extract; WP3 Concentrated bioactives inclusion into humic acids – porous ceramic; WP4 Bioassay of biostimulant activities; WP5 Dissemination and exploitation; WP6 Management.
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Conversion of phytogenic silica reach food industry by-products into value-added products
Call name:
P 3 - SP 3.2 - Proiecte ERA.NET
ERA IB2 ERANET-ERA-IB-15-129-Convert-Si
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRONOMICE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA (RO); LABORATOARELE MEDICA S.R.L. (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Convert-Si project aims to develop optimized processes for a total conversion of industrial plants by-products into value-added products. Main innovative contribution is related to the introduction of a (pre)treatment step based on new microbial products: non-catalytic small proteins from cerato-platanin family (CP), which weaken (ligno)cellulose structure, metabolites from silicon solubilizing microorganisms (SiM) and super-active ligno-cellulolytic enzymes Convert-all project integrated approach is intended to close a biomimetic industrial symbiosis. The by-products of one conversion process represent raw material for other conversion steps. Convert-Si proposed cascade process is applied to two value-added chains: cereal husks and/or bran, fruit/grape pomace. From these the following ingredients are recovered: anti-oxidant polyphenols and/or feruloylated oligosaccharides, useful for new cosmetics and dietary supplement products; essential oil terpenes and (brassino)steroids, trapped and/or bounded by/to lignocellulose network, with plant growth stimulating and/or insects repellent activities; biosilica (BSi); fermentable carbohydrates, recalcitrant lignin. BSi, fermentable carbohydrates and recalcitrant lignin are converted into mesoporous silica nanoparticles, value added fermented food / feed (probiotics) supplements and, respectively, substrate for plant biostimulants formulation. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles are used for the “ smart”, controlled released formulation of the recovered polyphenols, essential oils, and (brassino)steroids. Recalcitrant lignin, together with the biomass of CP producing microorganisms and, respectively, SiM will be used for the production of a complex plant biostimulant. Safety and efficacy of biosilica nano-particles and “smart” formulated phytoextracts will be tested by state of the art high through-output cell assay.
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Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect de transfer la operatorul economic
Role in this project:
Partner team leader
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
AFR FERT - PROTECT PLANT SRL (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The project goal is to increase competitiveness of coordinating enterprise and also of farmers and users of advanced fertilizers proposed by project, by assimilating a RDI result.Advanced fertilizers proposed by the project are nanostructured liquid fertilizer having high efficiency and very low doses of use, containing complexe compositions of macro, micronutrients and bio-stimulators. Proposed biostimulants are a new category of products used as inputs in plant cultivation technologies, which causes: increased efficiency of collection and use of nutrients by plants, increased resistance to abiotic stressors and improve of harvest quality.The project objectives are: (i)development of a pilot plant to manufacture advanced fertilizers with biostimulators for vegetables; (ii) validation in industrial environments of lab scale technology for production of advanced fertilizers with biostimulators; (iii) demonstrate of the functionality of technology in industrial environments by characterization and testing of advanced fertilizers produced on pilot plant. With the proposed project we intend to undertake validation and demonstration under industrial environment of technology for manufacturing of fertilizers with the new generation of biostimulators for crops. The innovative character of the proposed technology is determined by: (i) the use of a new generation plant biostimulant in proposed composition of advanced foliar fertilizers; (ii) nano-formulation as heterogeneous system (hydrophobic-hydrophilic), stable over a long period, for foliar fertilizers associated with the new generation of biostimulators and (iii) use of selenium salts as biostimulants in the composition of foliar fertilizers, which are intended for marketing in the Romanian Plain and Dobrogea, known as selenium deficient areas. The new generation of biostimulators for plants, which are active products to small and very small doses, will be represented by concentrates of the active ingredients.
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Development and optimization of the manufacturing tehnology for porous ceramics used in horticulture
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Transfer de cunoaștere la agentul economic „Bridge Grant”
Role in this project:
Partner team leader
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
UNIVERSITATEA BABES BOLYAI (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); CHEMI CERAMIC F SRL (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Porous ceramic granules are one of the most efficient products used in soil conditioning. Soil conditioning products based on porous ceramic determine: an optimal maintenance of the air, water and nutrients in the area of radicular system, it reduce the compaction, improve the drainage and soil structure. Due to these characteristics, porous ceramics determine a stimulation of the growth of plants radicular system, it improve the resistance to the water stress and a greater resistance to the stepping and detachment. Those are ideal for sports fields and green spaces. A product accessible for the soils conditioning / substrates of growth is important not only for horticulture intended for recreational use but also for the production of the vegetables and flowers seedlings or for vegetables cultivation in protected areas.
The purpose of this project is to increase the performance and competitiveness of the economic agent (Chemi Ceramic F Srl Sfantu Gheorghe), using the existing expertise of the public organizations partners in this project (UBB and INCDCP - ICECHIM) for the development and optimization of the modern technology of macroporous ceramics production, in order to obtain products with increased nutrient load and a significant biostimulant effect due to gradual release of soluble silicon.
The successful implementation of the project will have a significant impact on increasing the performance and competitiveness of economic operators and farmers users. The project will provide a framework for strengthening the practical training of M.s. and Ph.D. students from the science and engineering environment areas, contributing to the development of the involved researchers entrepreneurial skills. The project will increase the cooperation between UBB, INCDCP-ICECHIM and economic agent. The cooperation will continue even after the project ends.
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Novel anti-corrosion and anti-icing ZnO nanostructured materials obtained by ecofriendly methods – NOCORIC
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect experimental - demonstrativ
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); UNIVERSITATEA BUCURESTI (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
NOCORIC project consists in designing of new nanostructured organic-inorganic hybrid materials for coating of metallic surfaces (e.g. zinc, aluminium, copper). Techniques used in this project for the synthesis of coatings for metallic substrates, are the sol-gel process and the ecofriendly synthesis - supercritical fluids. These technologies will not affect the quality of the environment, thus are included in the category “ecological and high tech”. The project aims to identify the success factors and the difficulties in obtaining of coatings on metals with protection against corrosion and anti-icing, and their influence on economic activities. The approach is original, combining the production of coatings from zinc oxide type materials and organic-inorganic hybrids with physical properties of surfaces. Depending on the stability of the dispersions obtained from the sol-gel process, silica precursors with various functionalities will be used. Both the Coordinator (ICECHIM) and Partner 1 (UB) have experience and results in synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles through sol-gel process and characterization of nanoparticles morphology. Another novelty is corroboration of sol-gel synthesis (easy composition control, film homogeneity, low cost, facile fabrication) with supercritical fluid method, which tends to be closer with “green chemistry”. Currently, this „eco-friendly” method is not investigated enough for zinc oxide materials and organic-inorganic hybrids. Partner 1(UB) has experience in synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles through ecofriendly supercritical fluids synthesis. Nanostructured materials characterization will be realized to assess the hydrophobic and morphological characteristics: dynamic light scattering, environmental scanning and transmission electron microscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy, contact angle measurements etc. The corrosion resistance of obtained hybrid films deposited onto metal substrates will be studied by a third partner.
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Call name:
Joint Applied Research Projects - PCCA 2013 - call
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Thematic area of the project proposal is in the field of functional foods destinated to maintain human health in concordance with research theme 5.1.6. Functional foods to maintain human health and prevent diseases, Domain 5. Agriculture, food safety and security.
The general project objective is to develop multifunctional and innovative products for protection of nutraceutical plants newly introduced in Romania (Momordica charantia and Passiflora incarnata) and to stimulate concomitantly formation of biologically-active compounds in these plants, at stable levels and with reproducible biological effects. The specific innovative project objectives are: 1. development of multifunctional for treatments of soil and in vegetation, based on: (a) consortia of Trichoderma strains; (b) porous ceramics with high bioavailability of silica; (c) essential oils included in mesoporous silica; 2. Testing products, developing methods of application and integrating them with the sustainable cultural technology of nutraceutical plants; 3. characterization of functional foods through in vitro alternative tests on human cell cultures and highlighting the biological role of silica forms accumulated in treated plants in animal cells; 4. results exploitation by protection of intellectual innovative solutions after techno-economical analysis and opportunities of results exploitation.
Products based on consortia of Trichoderma strains and essential oils have multiple actions as: plant protection agents towards biotic stresses (phytopathogens, pests), elicitors of plant defence response, limiting agents for the negative effects of ethylene on roots and growth promotor of plant nutrition, mainly with nitrogen.
Porous ceramics containing silicaxerogel, applied as soil treatment, work as a matrix for controlled release of nutrients with high bioavailability and have role to compensate losses of plant metabolic energy due to the synthesis of secondary metabolites and to supply orthosilicates with high bioavailability.
Silicon with high bioavailability supplies also mesoporous silica as a carrying for controlled release of essential oils. The silicon’s role as an important element for plants is to activate and balance - concomitantly and non-antagonistically – the different ways of plant defence system and of stress hormones biosynthesis (salicylic acid, jasmonic acid and ethylene/abscisic acid) in plant pathosystems.
This project proposes for the first time to study interaction of silicon, Trichoderma and essential oils treatments, protection agents with multiple roles, which activates simultaneously plant defence response. It is the first proposal aiming the development of some products with applicability directly into practice, in which silicon is controlled released from supports, having concomitantly the functional role as a matrix, from which nutrients and volatile oils are smart-delivered, in this why pointing out the possibility of practical use of silicon in order to balance the main signalling pathways in plant defence response, integrated with elicitors for obtaining high productions with raised phytonutrients level.
The highlight of silicon’s role in animal and plant organisms (having into account the unity in diversity of the life world), the (meso)porous silica forms as a support for controlled release of some active ingredients and of bioavailable silicon, compatibility of the Trichoderma consortia with the other products for the directed activation of plant resistance, will be the coagulation axis of this trans-disciplinary approach, revealing - also - the existence of synergies between partners in the frame of MAIA Project.
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Call name:
Joint Applied Research Projects - PCCA 2013 - call
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
UNIVERSITATEA BABES BOLYAI (RO); INSTITUTUL DE CERCETARI PRODUSE AUXILIARE ORGANICE S.A. (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
AdbBioFuels is an innovative approach of biofuels. This project covers all the features of the Partnership Program; sub-program “Applied Research Collaborative Projects”. Its thematic area is “Energy” under the research direction 2.1 “Sustainable energy systems and technologies, energy security”, aligning with the reserch topic 2.1.4 “Promotion of clean energy technology, environment protection measures and reducing of the greenhouse gas emissions”.
The importance of this research area is ruled by the “Renewable Energy Directive” implemented by EU in 2009; the Directive stipulates the utilization, by 2020, of carting fuels produced from regenerable sources.
Our original approach targets the obtaining of a biodiesel type fuel, which simultaneously exploit both the molasses resulted in the sugar production and the glycerinous waters resulted in the conventional biodiesel technology, into a highly efficient, integrated chemobiocatalytic process.
Actually, the project aims the achievement of five objectives, successively developed at laboratory scale and at scale-up level:
• A chemocatalytic methodology for obtaining 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from molasse. Here we will develop a selective catalyst and a way of purifying and stabilizing the product.
• A methodology of assisted biocatalysis using baker’s yeast grown on molasse, to condense the pyruvic acid produced in the metabolism, with 5-hydroxy-methylfurfural.
• A methodology for the acetalization of hydroxymethylfurfural with glycerol, and of the aldole obtained in the previous step with different aldehydes to obtain hydroxy acetals with furanic structure.
• A methodology for enzymatic and chemical acylation of the hydroxy acetals obtained in the previous step, with acyl groups from natural sources, to increase the reduction grade of the derivatized furanic core.
• The development of a feasibility study for the obtaining of the advanced biofuel by exploiting the molasses and glycerol resulted as industrial byproducts.
Besides the actual state of the art, the project as a whole will ensure:
• A better valorization of the molasses and glycerol (both industrial byproducts),
• The reduction of the fossil fuel dependency, by replacing it with advanced biofuels,
• Biofuels with improved properties (freezing point, viscosity, volatility, CFPP, solubility in water etc.),
• Promoting new, cheaper technologies to obtain advanced biofuels,
• A reduction of the negative impact of the carting (transportation) field on the environment, by using a renewable source of energy, produced in greenway.
The project will be capitalized through patents, publishing of scientific papers in high impact journals, scientific communications.
The research team of the project consists of three groups coming from complementary research areas and having strong scientific achievements, which provide a complex integration of their expertise, oriented towards the achievement of the project’s objectives:
a) the Biocatalysis group from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, known and recognized at international level, with more than 100 publications in the area of biocatalysis, including biofuels,
b) the ICPAO group from Medias, a research group dedicated to catalytic organic synthesis, and
c) The group from ICECHIM Bucharest, with a wide expertize in elaborating technologies for the obtaining of biofuels from different renewable sources.
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Call name:
Joint Applied Research Projects - PCCA 2013 - call
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Diminution of residues and contaminants from the whole food chain is a great challenge for the world developed society. One of the most dangerous risk factors is represented by the agricultural insect pests and fungal diseases which destroy the crop plants in the field and post harvested yield in storage, generating huge economical losses every year. Mycotoxins produced by pathogenic fungi in cereal crops are transferred from field to storage, in feed, animal bodies and finally in food products obtained from these, such as eggs, milk and meat, producing human health disorders. Chemical means (insecticidal fungicidal products and storage fumigants)from risk management programs implemented in agricultural practice to reduce storage insect populations and mycotoxins transfer from storage to animal diet were not able to completely destroy pests or mycotoxigenic fungi, nor in field or storage. Technical solution proposed by the project is an innovative approach of treatment in the sequence of food chain from storage to animal body grown in farm, with ecological products obtained from bioactive diatomaceous earth and essential oils from renewable vegetal sources with insecto-fungicidal properties. Project consortium consists of three complementary Research and Development Institutions covering the multidisciplinary thematic domain of the project (mineralogy, plant protection and chemistry of bioresources for bioproducts obtanation) and an agrotechnical farm as a small enterprise and co-financier. Experienced research specialists of the implementation team of the project will select the best bioactive diatomaceous earth from Romanian local deposits, the most efficacy natural principles from essential oils and the best recipes to obtain modern formulations of ecological products (encapsulated slow release granules and tablets). To attain such ambitious objectives, the mineralogists from RGI will collect, identify, characterize and select the most appropriate mineral constituent for the ecological formulations and the NIRDCP Partner will develop laboratory technologies for obtaining vegetal bioactive principles and formulation of original ecological products for grain storage treatment and veterinary feed supplement to be patented and transferred for a larger scale micropilot production. Raw materials, intermediates and final products will be subject to biological screening for selection of the most effective against insects and mycotoxigenic fungi infesting stored grains, in controlled conditions by RDIPP and in production conditions of storage by the farm Agrotehnic. Patented procedure of use and a new guide of good practices in the management of contamination risk in storehouses will be provided. The mycotoxin contamination and the diminution degree of the mycotoxin concentration on stored grains as an effect of the treatment with the ecological product will be quantified by chromatographic, biochemical or electrochemical methods. For antimycotoxin antidote efficacy of veterinary feed supplements, an accredited institution for biological evaluation services on model animals will be subcontracted. Project results which are not object of intellectual or industrial property rights will be disseminated on a wide scale at national and international scientific events. Agrotehnic farm has a great potential for cereal production and proper grain storage, a guaranty for the implementation of the project results and good perspective for agro-technological development, with interest and excellent chances to gain a better position on the national and international market with new agro-veterinary products, cheaper, easy available for farmers, rapidly biodegradable, non-toxic for mammalians, eco-friendly alternatives to synthetic insecticides and fungicides.
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Conversion of Biomass Wastes into Furan Derivatives, for Applications in Biofuels
Call name:
Joint Applied Research Projects - PCCA 2013 - call
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
INSTITUTUL DE CERCETARI PRODUSE AUXILIARE ORGANICE S.A. (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); UNIVERSITATEA PETROL GAZE PLOIESTI (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The Kyoto protocol, together with the desire to reduce society’s dependence on imported crude oil, has directed researchers’ attention to the use of biomass as a source of energy and, more specifically, for transportation fuels. The biomass-derived fuels can be CO2–neutral, since the CO2 produced in their combustion can be reabsorbed by green plants during photosynthesis.
The overall objective of CARFURAL is conversion of lignocellulosic wastes in two chemical building blocks: furfural (furan-2-carbaldehyde) and 5-(alkoxymethyl)furfurals
[5-(alkoxymethyl)furan-2-carbaldehyde], followed by processing them for the production of biofuels having applications as components or additives for gasoline or diesel, in order to improve their characteristics.
The end-of-project results will be original technologies for the production of following product groups with direct applications and market potential:
1- furfural and 5-(alkoxymethyl)furfurals (i.e. alkoxy = -OCH3, -OC2H5, -OC3H7, etc.) as process intermediates (for furan based biofuels), and end-products (in other potential uses, eg phenol-furfural resins, urea-furfural resins, solvents, etc.)
2- furyl-dioxacyclane derivatives
3- furyl-dioxacyclane esters
4- furan derivatives and/or tetrahydrofuran derivatives
5- tetrahydrofuryl-dioxacyclane derivatives
6- selective hydrogenation catalysts
7- hybrid biodiesel
- Furfural, will be produced by hydrolysis of hemicellulosic fractions from lignocellulosic wastes such as sunflower seed hulls (from oil factories), sunflower stalks and corn cobs. Remained cellulosic fraction will be processed to obtain 5-(alkoxymethyl)furfurals.
- Furfural and 5-(alkoxymethyl)furfurals will be condensed with crude glycerine, waste from biodiesel manufacture, resulting furyl-dioxacyclane derivatives.
- Furyl-dioxacyclane derivatives can be used as such, or will be transesterified, with monocarboxylic acid methyl esters, to obtain esters of furyl-dioxacyclane derivatives
- Furyl-dioxacyclane derivatives will be selective hydrogenated to result tetrahydrofuran derivatives
- 5-(Alkoxymethyl)furfurals will be selective hydrogenated to obtain furan derivatives [eg 2-methyl-5-(alkoxymethyl)furan] and/or tetrahydrofuran derivatives [eg 2-(hydroxymethyl)-5-(alkoxymethyl)tetrahydrofuran; 2-methyl-5-(alkoxymethyl)tetrahydrofuran]
- Selective hydrogenation catalysts will be produced and tested
- A complex process for obtaining an hybrid biodiesel by processing together vegetable oil wastes and lignocellulosic wastes, resulting a mixture of classical biodiesel, furfural and 5-(methoxymethyl)furfural glycerol acetals, will be developed.
The following success criteria will be used as basis for evaluating project performance:
- it will develop laboratory-scale technologies for the production of derivatives from above mentioned classes (1-7)
- it will determine the specific characteristics of the synthesized products in mixture with gasoline and/or diesel; it will select at least one product from each class 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, which improve at least two characteristics of baseline gasoline and / or diesel (eg octane number, cetane number, pour point, cold filter plugging point, flash point, viscosity, environmental performance of additived fuels, as evidenced by the reduction of exhaust pollutants, etc.).
- for at least one efficient product, selected from all of 1-7 classes, it will be upgraded technologies from laboratory to micropilot scale
- it will protect original technologies developed in the project, by at least two national patent applications and two european patent applications
- the project results will be disseminated through publication of at least two papers, in ISI quoted scientific journals, and at least two communications at conferences
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Interdisciplinary research about using of collagen based products with elastic characteristics on rape crop for yield increasing, reducing of losses of harvest and sustainable of agriculture productio
Call name:
Joint Applied Research Projects - PCCA 2013 - call
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The project offers a technical solution for treating the rape crops in order to reduce the losses caused by the dehiscence of the silicva before harvesting.
The solution proposed have to use solution based on polymerisable collagen extracts, resulted from the processing of subproducts from aquaculture and from the fishing industry, which have: adhesive properties and elasticity characteristics, resistance to UV radiations, and a high contents of amino acids. At this moment these subproducts from aquaculture and fishing industry are thrown, being a polluting factor with organic matter of the residual industrial waters.
The novelty of the project consists in the use of polymerized substances for the protection of the rape silicva, which are based on the collagen extracts from fish, having beside the antidehiscence effect, also a foliar fertiliser and a fungicide effects. Compared with antidehiscence products used at this moment, which are synthesis products, and which have exclusively the adhesive function, the new proposed products by the triple effect characteristics, - adhesive, fertilizer and fungicide, will have an impact on increasing of crop production at quantitative and qualitative level, by increasing the vegetation period (prolonging the grain filling period), increasing the TKW (weight of 1000 kernels), and reducing the water evapotranspiration at the rape crop field level. The antidehiscent effect will be given by the elastic feature of the fish collagen, the fertilizer feature will be given by the amino acid content of collagen, and the fungicide feature will be given by the film-forming effect and by the semipermeable membrane of the product polymerized from fish collagen extract, resistant to the UV radiation. By reducing losses from rape grain, pollution (weeding) with rape plants in successive crops after rape crop is reduced, reducing the quantity use of herbicides on succeeding crops. Into project are involves five partners, two research institutes, one university and two SMEs that will exploit the results of the research each in its own economic development.
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Complex management of plant residues on conservative agricultural systems
Call name:
Joint Applied Research Projects - PCCA 2013 - call
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The project proposes solutions to some of the issues which represent barriers for the current stage of conservation agriculture (CA) development. CA systems provide more environmental services compared to the traditional ones, based on intensive soil cultivation, and reduce the necessary inputs for the same level of yield. However, the CA systems have also negative impacts: development of soil borne plant pathogen agents, weed infestation, reduced availability of the nutrients, less aerated structure on heavy soil, lower soil temperature and delaying on the initial development of the cultivated plants.
Many of these adverse impacts of CA systems are determined by the presence of large amounts of plant residues on topsoil. Project aim to compensate these negative effects of CA systems, through the development of a management system of plant residues, which should assure their controlled decomposition, promoting plant beneficial microbiome and enhancing weed control. Plant beneficial microbiome will act as antagonist toward plant pathogens, will stimulate development of cultivated plant in the early stages and will increase nutrients bioavailability. A better placement of plant residues and their increased mechanical resistance will improve weed management, in a manner complementary to that of beneficial plants microbiome.
The specific objectives of the project are:
(i) development of the new inputs (including (a) selected multifunctional microbial consortia, with complex activities (MCA): antagonist to plant pathogens and/or specifically deleterious to weeds, with plant and/or beneficial soil biota development promoting activities, resulted mainly from their ability to actively colonize and decompose crop residues, releasing a significant amount of active compounds and nutrients; (b) new bioproducts, based on MCA consortia; (c) new, bioenhanced organic amendments (BOA), resulted from plant materials (mushroom spent substrate, winter cover crop mulch), colonized by MCA and reinforced by a tackifier, hydrogelifying anionic polyacrylamide; (d) new synthetic strigolactones analogs) and cultivation practices;
(ii) testing of the new inputs and cultivation practices and integration of these into a conservation agricultural system;
(iii) dissemination and exploitation of the new inputs and cultivation practices and of their integrated utilization into conservation agriculture.
In order to reach project objective was created a consortium which include: two National RD Institutes (INCDCP-ICECHIM, INCDA Fundulea), one university (Sapientia – FSUS) and two innovative SMEs (Corax Bioner CEU şi Teso Spec). ICECHIM and FSUS will co-operate for selection MCA consortia. For the development of new MCA bioproducts, CORAX will perform biosynthesis of the more resistant forms of microbes to formulation and will develop formulations where they have more expertise, micro-encapsulated proteobacteria. ICECHIM will focus on the innovative effervescent tablet and (micro)beads. Teso Spec will use their experience for synthesis of strigolactones analogs and on tailoring polyacrylamide for the enhancement of winter cover crop mulch. These new inputs are complementary to the microbial bioproducts developed by ICECHIM, FSUS and/or Corax. Strigolactones analogs will improve the management of beneficial plant microbiome proposed by this project. Screening of the biomimetic strigolactones will be done with the support of ICECHIM and INCDA. Tailored polyacrylamide will be used to increase survival of microbes applied on plant residues and to enhance the mechanical strength of the mulch. Agricultural practices development, testing new inputs on CA systems and their integration will be done by INCDA Fundulea, on their experimental platform for conservation farming management.
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Innovative solutions to increase energy efficiency of buildings and industrial equipments by using composite thermal insulating biodegradable materials
Call name:
Joint Applied Research Projects - PCCA 2013 - call
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); CEPROCIM S.A. (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The BIO-THERM project proposal refers to environmentally friendly products obtained from renewable raw materials, intended for insulating industrial buildings and equipment. The products submitted to be created by the project are biodegradable, with a high useful life and a low risk of bio-deterioration and fire. The project’s theme complies with Research theme 3.1.2, Environmentally friendly products (green chemistry), Research Direction 3.1, Means and mechanisms for reducing environmental pollution, Area 3, Environment.
The project’s overall goal is to obtain new biodegradable thermal insulating composite materials and their innovative use in order to increase the thermal efficiency of industrial buildings and equipment. The project’s specific goals are:
(i) The selection of fungus and bacteria groupings that efficiently form spongy structures from a mixture of lignocellulose, plastic and mineral materials;
(ii) The creation of inoculating bio-products for the fabrication of biodegradable thermal insulating composite materials;
(iii) Developing specific thermal insulating material forming procedures;
(iv) Determining the new materials’ characteristics;
(v) Setting the optimum usage methods for the thermal insulation of industrial buildings and equipment;
(vi) The intellectual protection of the innovative solutions;
(vii) The technical and economic and eco-efficiency analyses of the new biodegradable thermal insulating composite materials;
(viii) The wide-scale dissemination of the results obtained within the project
The project develops existing solutions for obtaining thermal insulating materials from spongy structures formed by fungi grown on lignocellulose waste, via contributions that reduce the disadvantages of the known solutions.
The goal of introducing thermal resistant recycled plastic materials (ex. polypropylene) is to reduce the bio-deterioration potential (by limiting the biocomposite’s bio-degradation speed) and to increase the mechanical strength by creating a framework of improved resistance.
Co-cultivating fungi with bacteria that stimulates their growth and forms biofilms on the plastic materials in the mixture aims to reduce the material fabrication time (and to increase the direct economic efficiency) and to achieve compatibility between the hydrophobic (recycled plastic materials) and hydrophilic (lignocellulose material) components.
The absorbing mineral materials (for ex.. kieselgur or zeolies) reduce water activity in the substrate (drying in the final fabrication stage), limiting the bio-deterioration potential, providing the required micro-elements to accelerate the growth of microorganisms in the cultivation stage and reducing the risk of fire.
Using the granular bio-preparation with fungus and bacteria spores allows the material to be fabricated in various shapes, by growing it into molds specially formed for the desired applications, by controlled development on the surfaces it was sprayed along with the growth substrate mixture, by directed in situ cultivation to fill cavities. Directed in situ cultivation provides the ability to repair the thermal insulating materials created using this process, increases its useful life and eco-efficiency.
The final drying of the resulting process down to less than 10% material humidity is meant to deactivate the microorganisms and to provide the thermal and physical characteristics needed for the intended uses.
By varying the lignocellulose and plastic material mixture composition, as well as using different microorganism groupings (fungi forming the spongy mycelium and bacteria that stimulate fungal growth and make the substrate compatible), materials with different properties, for various uses, may be obtained.
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Extensive valorization of lignin and salicylic acid to bulk and fine chemicals
Call name:
Joint Applied Research Projects - PCCA-2011 call, Type 2
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Lignin represents one of the major sources of carbon, hydrogen and functional groups provided by the nature. However, due to its polymeric structure, it is not enough valorized for the moment, although except the desert areas, it is abundant in the world. One of the reasons of the un-sufficient valorization is the high content of oxygen in very diverse functionalities. The present proposal constitutes a multi-facet project based on several novelties. The first one refers to the nature of the chemical compounds are intended to be produced using lignin as starting material. The second novelty refers to the nature of the catalysts. They will exhibit two functionalities: one acidic to disrupt oxygen bonds and to catalyze acylation and alkylation reactions, and second, to hydrogenate the disrupted fragments. The new catalysts will be prepared as micrometer materials containing active supported nano-structured species to allow an easy penetration inside the polymers. They will present a high density of defects, directly connected to the population of the active centres. The chemical composition of the catalyst represents another novelty, since it should be cheap and recoverable. The fourth novelty refers to the combination of valorization of lignin with salicylic acid. This is also abundant in bushes/leafs and till now does not found an efficient extraction and use in Romania. Another expected novelty is the establishment of analytic methodologies. The methods proposed till now in the literature are rather contradictory. Based on these statements the main objective of the project is Extensive valorization of lignin and salicylic acid to bulk and fine chemicals. Several sub-objectives are derived from this general objective: cultivation of different species of energetic willows, an efficient extraction of Lignin and Salicylic acid, new catalytic technologies to valorize the raw materials to surfactants and lignans, project implementation into pilot plant, dissemination.
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Call name:
Joint Applied Research Projects - PCCA-2011 call, Type 2
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); INSTITUTUL DE CERCETARI PRODUSE AUXILIARE ORGANICE S.A. (RO); UNIVERSITATEA BUCURESTI (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
ALGAL-SAF project focuses on the potential use of algae, as raw material for producing alternative fuels for aviation that could replace the petrochemical jet fuel up to 50% by volume without any durability problems, by an integrated technologies system starting from algae.
The overall objectives of the project aim to complete valorisation of algal biomass, using an integrated system wherein bio-feedstock is subjected to oil extraction to produce algal oil and then dehydrating of de-oiled algal biomass comprising carbohydrates, in the presence of catalysts to yield furan derivatives. Further, we propose, simultaneously catalytic processing technologies of fatty acid methyl esters and furan derivatives mixture by upgrading them into alcohol derivatives, and finally catalytic reforming processes for producing a mixture comprising iso/n alkanes, suitable for, or as a blending component for, uses such as an aviation fuel, being competitive and compatible, to current used fuels.No attempts were found in the literature about such an integrated system developed for synthetic aviation fuel production, as we have proposed in this project. We have found some knowledge gaps in the current state-of-art, as follows: (a) Selecting the microalgae able to grow in mixotrophic conditions for high yield algal oil production; (b) Mixotrophic microalgae culture, by supplementing culture media with crude glycerin, as carbon source and protein hydrolysate, as nitrogen source (c) Valorization of de-oiled algal biomass via furan derivatives, as precursors for aviation fuels; (d) Simultaneously catalytic processing technologies of fatty acid methyl esters and furan derivatives mixture by upgrading them into alcohol derivatives; (e) Simultaneously dehydration, hydrocracking and isomerization processes of alcohol derivatives, for producing iso/n alkanes, suitable as synthetic aviation fuel.
The project will contribute to environmental compliance of Directive 2009/28/EC, on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, which aims at achieving by 2020 a 20% share of energy from renewable sources in the EU's final consumption of energy and a 10% share in each member state's transport energy consumption.
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Peroxynitrite: Relevance for Food Safety and Novel Electrochemical Detection
Call name:
Exploratory Research Projects - PCE-2011 call
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Considering this toxicity potential of peroxynitrite formation in meat with impact for food safety, it is proposed herein to develop advanced tools to quantify the presence of peroxynitrite in food: meat, in real-time in situ. While there are several detection methodsavailable for peroxynitrite (e.g. oxidation of fluorescent probes, EPR spectroscopy, probe nitration, chemiluminescence, immun-histochemistry) these tend to be more elaborate and difficult to apply for real-time quantification, due to their inherent complexity. The electrochemical detection of peroxynitrite would be a simpler and more convenient technique.
Based on initial results and specific knowhow, the team final goals are to develop electrochemical ONOO- sensitive in situ methods, based on new/improved (metalloporphyrins and conjugated polymers) nanocomposies, for detection its dynamics in foods such as meat-fish tissue and use the results to better understand ONOO− implications for food quality and safety. Once perfected as analytical tools, the peroxynitrite microprobes could be studied for possible use in pharmacology and toxicology.
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Honey bee nutraceutical supplement, for activation of defense and detoxification systems
Call name:
Cecuri de Inovare 2013
Role in this project:
Partner team leader
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
TESO SPEC SRL (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Obiective: (i) Dezvoltarea unui supliment nutraceutic pentru albine, destinat activării sistemelor de apărare şi detoxifiere; (ii) Experimentarea compoziţiilor pe sisteme model şi determinarea capacităţii de inducere a citocrom P450 monooxigenazelor, implicate în detoxifiere, şi a peptidelor antimicrobiene; (iii) Caracterizarea analitică a compoziţiilor şi introducerea lor în fabricaţie; (iv) Protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală prin depunerea de cereri de brevet la OSIM şi la EPO/WIPO.
Descrierea serviciului de cercetare-dezvoltare. Activităţile CD vor avea ca scop dezvoltarea unei compoziţii inovative optimizate pe bază de: polifenoli care activează sistemul de detoxifiere şi apărare din albine; complecşi de cupru care sinergizează inducerea sistemelor de detoxifiere şi care blochează selectiv respiraţia acarienilor paraziţi; potenţiatori ai percepţiei feromonilor utilizaţi de albine pentru co-ordonarea sistemului de apărare care au şi efect anti-microbian. Se vor realiza şi servicii de caracterizare a compoziţiilor rezultate. Va fi acordată asistenţă pentru introducerea în fabricaţie a produsului şi protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală, la nivel naţional şi internaţional.
Necesitate. Sistemele de detoxifiere şi apărare din albine sunt induse preponderent de către compuşii polifenolici specifici peretului celular al polenului (Mao et al., 2013, PNAS, 110:8842-8846), fiind mult mai puţin induse de acaridele folosite pentru combaterea Varroa sau de către alţi poluanţi / contaminanţi xenobiotici. Hrana de substituţie larg utilizată pentru hrănirea albinelor, pe bază de zahăr şi/sau sirop de fructoză-glucoză, nu conţine astfel de compuşi nutraceutici care să susţină albinele în lupta împotriva paraziţilor, patogenilor şi poluanţilor xenobiotici. Este deci necesară realizarea unui supliment nutraceutic care să faciliteze activarea sistemelor de apărare şi de detoxifiere, atât la nivelul fiecărui individ, cât şi la nivelul întregii colonii.
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Complex exploitation of aromatic plant by sequential extraction assited by ultrasounds and microwaves and susequent processing of extracted material
Call name:
Cecuri de Inovare 2013
Role in this project:
Partner team leader
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
PRIMOSAL S.R.L. (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Obiective: (i) Dezvoltarea procedeului de valorificare complexă a plantelor aromatice prin extracţie secvenţială; (ii) Caracterizarea produselor rezultate prin aplicarea procedeului; (iii) Protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală prin depunerea unei cereri de brevet la OSIM şi la EPO/WIPO.
Descrierea serviciului. Activităţile CD vor avea ca scop dezvoltarea unui procedeu de: (i) recuperare a pectinei, hemicelulozelor şi/sau a micro/nano-celulozei din materialul vegetal prin destructurarea matricei extracelulare vegetale cu lichide ionice şi ultra-sunete; (ii) optimizarea extracţiei secvenţiale a principiilor active expuse prin destructurarea matricei extracelulare, hidrofobe (uleiuri esenţiale) şi hidrofile (polifenoli), prin folosirea de micro-unde şi/sau ultasunete; prelucrarea hidro-termală, asistată de micro-unde, a lignocelulozei recalcitrante la (bio)cărbune. Se vor realiza şi servicii analitice de caracterizare a produselor rezultate din diferite etape. Va fi acordată asistenţă pentru protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală, la nivel naţional şi internaţional.
Necesitate. Prin procedeele uzuale se extrag specific din plantele aromatice fie fracţiile hidrofobe (uleiuri esenţiale), fie cele hidrofile (de ex. polifenolii anti-oxidanţi). Procedeele clasice implică consumuri energetice ridicate şi/sau de solvenţi organici. Noile procedee, ca de ex. extracţia cu fluide supercritice sau extracţia prin detentă controlată, extrag selectiv numai o categorie de principii active. Plantele aromatice conţin însă deseori compuşi activi din ambele categorii, fiind deci necesară dezvoltarea unor procedee de extracţie secvenţială, prin care să se recupereze toţi compuşii de interes, într-un timp cât mai scurt, cu randamente ridicate şi consumuri reduse de solvenţi şi energie. Pentru creşterea profitabilităţii este necesar şi un procedeu complementar, prin care din materialul vegetal să se recupereze şi alte bio-produse cu valoarea adăugată mare.
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Cascade process for superior exploitation of vinasse
Call name:
Cecuri de Inovare 2013
Role in this project:
Partner team leader
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
TRANSPROIECT ORGANIC SRL (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Obiective: (i) Dezvoltarea unui procedeu în cascadă pentru obţinerea din vinasă de furaje concentrate pentru peşti şi de fertiriganţi; (ii) Caracterizarea produselor rezultate prin utilizarea procedeului de valorificare a vinasei; (iii) Precizarea condiţiilor tehnologice necesare pentru ridicarea la scară a procedeului; (iv) Protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală prin depunerea unor cereri de brevet OSIM şi EPO/WIPO.
Descrierea serviciului. Va fi dezvoltat un procedeu în cascadă de: (i) separare avansată a drojdiei din vinasă, prin electro-floculare, nano-filtrare tangenţială pe suporturi ceramice şi presare, şi peletizarea ei împreună cu făinuri vegetale, pentru producerea de furaje concentrate pentru peşti; (ii) stabilizare a supernatantului prin tratament fotocatalitic şi adăugare de bio-cărbune şi acid fosforic, pentru obţinerea de fertiriganţi. Vor fi realizate servicii analitice de caracterizare a produselor rezultate. Se vor preciza condiţiile necesare pentru ridicare la scară a procedeului. Se va acorda asistenţă pentru protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală (referitoare la etapele procedeului şi caracteristicile lor inovative), la nivel naţional şi internaţional.
Necesitate. Vinasa este un sub-produs de la fabricarea (bio)etanolului din melasă – 9 hl vinasă la 1 hl (bio)etanol. Vinasa este foarte instabilă microbiologic datorită drojdiei de fermentaţie inactivate prin distilare, iar epurarea ei este înalt consumatoare de apă (minimum 5 m3 pentru fiecare m3 de vinasă) şi de energie pentru aerare. Procedeele uzuale de stabilizare prin evaporarea apei sunt energofage, necesită echipamente scumpe şi cresc conţinutul de compuşi melanoidici potenţial toxici. Sunt necesare procedee a căror aplicare industrială să nu necesite consumuri mari de energie şi costuri investiţionale mari, prin care să se valorifice superior componentele cu valoare biologică mare din vinasă, cu realizarea unor produse cu potenţial de piaţă ridicat.
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Ingrăşăminte complexe cu spori de endo-micoriză şi biostimulanţi ai simbiozelor micorizale
Call name:
Cecuri de Inovare - 2012
Role in this project:
Partner team leader
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
Project website:
Necesitate: Biopreparatele biofertilizante cu spori de micoriză sunt din ce în ce mai folosite în horticultură pentru că simbiozele (endo)micorizale au efecte benefice asupra plantelor (îmbunătăţirea nutriţiei, creşterea rezistenţei plantelor la stresurile abiotice şi biotice) şi asupra structurii solului. Reproductibilitatea acţiunii biologice este însă redusă, datorită influenţei condiţiilor de mediu. Pentru asigurarea unei eficacităţi ridicate şi reproductibile este necesară complexarea sporilor de micoriză din biopreparate cu tulpini selectate de microorganisme din sol, care stimulează formarea simbiozelor micorizale şi acţionează ca un tampon al condiţiilor de mediu variabile.
Descrierea serviciului de cercetare-dezvoltare: Vor fi realizate activităţi de cercetare industrială şi dezvoltare experimentală pentru obţinerea şi testarea biopreparatului fertilizant / îngrăşământ complex, ca şi servicii analitice de caracterizare a produsului propus. In afara acestor activităţi necesare pentru introducerea în fabricaţie a îngrăşământului complex, se va acorda asistenţă pentru protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală (referitoare la tulpini microbiene cu activitate de biostimulare a micorizelor şi/sau compoziţii de îngrăşăminte complexe cu spori de micorize), la nivel naţional şi european.
Obiectivele proiectului: (i) Captarea sporilor de micoriză şi multiplicarea axenică a ciupercilor producătoare de micorize pe rădăcini de plante gazdă; (ii) Selecţia de tulpini de microorganisme care stimulează formarea de micorize şi formularea acestora ca granule cu eliberare controlată; (iii) Optimizarea procedeului de complexare a biofertilizantului cu spori de micorize cu biopreparatul cu eliberare controlată pe baza tulpinilor selectate de microorganisme biostimulante; (iv) Caracterizarea îngrăşământului complex şi introducerea lui în fabricaţie; (v) Protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală prin depunerea a 2 cereri de brevet la OSIM şi EPO/WIPO.
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Amestecuri sinergice de fertiriganţi şi compuşi bioactivi naturali, pentru stimularea creşterii plantelor şi ameliorarea rezistenţei la stresurile abiotice
Call name:
Cecuri de Inovare - 2012
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
Project website:
Necesitate: O serie de compuşi, ca prolina şi betaina, acţionează ca osmoprotectanţi, permiţând continuarea creşterii plantelor în condiţii de stres abiotic (secetă, salinitate, temperaturi scăzute). Aplicarea exogenă a acestor compuşi, concomitent cu amestecurile fertirigante, foliare sau radiculare, asigură o creştere a eficienţei de utilizare a elementelor nutritive, concomitent cu ameliorarea rezistenţei plantelor la stresurile abiotice. Alţi compuşi bio-activi, fitohormoni (acid abscisic, citochinina, brasinosteroizi) sau factori semnal tisulari (poliamine, oligozaharine), sinergizează acţiunea osmoprotectanţilor. Pentru a creşte accesibilitatea acestor amestecuri sinergice este necesară dezvoltarea unor procedee simple de obţinere a compuşilor bioactivi din surse naturale ieftine şi accesibile în România.
Descrierea serviciului de cercetare-dezvoltare: Sunt prevăzute activităţi de cercetare industrială şi dezvoltare experimentală pentru: optimizarea procedeelor de extracţie a compuşilor bioactivi din surse naturale şi obţinerea şi testarea amestecurilor cu fertiriganţii, şi servicii analitice de caracterizare a compoziţiilor rezultate. In afara acestor activităţi necesare pentru introducerea în fabricaţie a amestecurilor de fertiriganţi şi compuşi bioactivi, se va acorda asistenţă pentru protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală (referitoare la amestecurile de fertiriganţi şi compuşi bioactivi şi/sau la procedee de obţinere), la nivel naţional şi european.
Obiectivele proiectului: (i) Dezvoltarea procedeelor de obţinere a compuşilor bioactivi din surse natural ieftine şi realizarea amestecurilor cu fertiriganţii; (ii) experimentarea amestecurilor pe plante test şi caracterizarea rezistenţei al stres; (iii) Caracterizarea amestecurilor şi introducerea lor în fabricaţie; (iv) Protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală prin depunerea unei cereri de brevet la OSIM şi la EPO/WIPO.
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Complecşi ai microelementelor esenţiale cu biodisponibilitate crescută şi risc scăzut în utilizare, formaţi prin fixare pe hidrolizate proteice
Call name:
Cecuri de Inovare - 2012
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie ICECHIM
Project partners:
SC Medisan 2010 SRL (RO); Institutul National de cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie ICECHIM (RO)
Institutul National de cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie ICECHIM (RO)
Project website:
Necesitate. Majoritatea microelementelor esenţiale au o fereastă fiziologică (relativ) îngustă, uneori diferenţa dintre dozele eficiente nutriţional şi/sau fiziologic şi cele toxice fiind sub un ordin de mărime (Se, Cr, Co, Cu, B, I, V). Complecşi formaţi prin fixare pe hidrolizate proteice (proteinaţi) au o biodisponibilitate crescută şi o toxicitate mai redusă decât cea a speciilor anorganice, şi se folosesc în special în furajarea animalelor şi biofortifierea culturilor de câmp. Pentru optimizarea costurilor şi a activităţii fiziologice / nutritive este necesară folosirea unor surse de hidrolizate proteice uşor accesibile, care conţin cantităţi ridicate de compuşi chelatanţi (glutation, metionină, lizină, acid nicotinic, etc.) şi optimizarea proceselor de complexare a speciilor anorganice pentru asigurarea randamentului maxim în forme cu activitate ridicată, distribuite uniform şi omogen.
Descrierea serviciului de cercetare-dezvoltare. Sunt prevăzute activităţi de cercetare industrială şi dezvoltare experimentală pentru optimizarea procedeelor de obţinere a chelaţilor de microelemente esenţiale şi servicii analitice de caracterizare a complecşilor rezultaţi. In afara acestor activităţi necesare pentru introducerea în fabricaţie a proteinaţilor de microelemente esenţiale se va acorda asistenţă pentru protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală la nivel naţional şi european.
Obiectivele proiectului: (i) Obţinerea controlată a suspensiei de (auto)lizat de drojdie cu conţinut ridicat de compuşi cu activitate complexantă; (ii) Optimizarea proceselor de complexare a speciilor anorganice, separare a celor nereacţionate şi de uscare a suspensiilor; (iii) Analiza complecşilor cu activitate biologică semnificativă (selenodiglutation, nicotinat de crom, cupru - lizină, zinc – metionină) formaţi; (iv) Ridicarea la scară pentru introducerea în fabricaţie; (v) Protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală prin depunerea de cereri de brevet la OSIM şi EPO/WIPO.
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Insecticide pe bază de piretrine naturale şi extracte vegetale sinergizante în formulări ecologice
Call name:
Cecuri de Inovare - 2012
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie ICECHIM
Project partners:
SC AMIA INTERNATIONAL IMPORT EXPORT SRL (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie ICECHIM (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie ICECHIM (RO)
Project website:
Obiectivele proiectului: (i) Optimizarea compoziţiei de piretrine naturale şi extracte vegetale sinergizante şi protectante în solvenţi naturali, prin biotestare şi analize chimice; (ii) Analiza stabilităţii în timp a produsului realizat; (iii) Ridicarea la scară pentru introducerea în fabricaţie; (iv) Protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală prin depunerea de cereri de brevet la OSIM şi EPO/WIPO.
Descrierea serviciului: Vor fi realizate activităţi de cercetare industrială şi dezvoltare experimentală pentru obţinerea insecticidelor propuse, ca şi servicii analitice de caracterizare a produsului rezultat. In afara acestor activităţi necesare pentru introducerea în fabricaţie a produselor insecticide, se va acorda asistenţă pentru protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală (referitoare la compoziţiile de sinergizanţi / protectanţi naturali şi/sau la cele insecticide), la nivel naţional şi european.
Necesitate. Sunt cunoscute produse insecticide, utilizate în special împotriva insectelor generatoare de disconfort (muşte, gândaci, ţânţari), realizate prin utilizarea piretrinelor naturale. Pentru a avea o bună eficienţă la aplicarea în practică acestor compuşi naturali li se adaugă compuşi chimici cu rol de sinergizare a acţiunii de tip knock-down (de paralizare rapidă a insectei) şi de protecţie faţă de radiaţiile UV (care distrug rapid moleculele de piretrine naturale). Formularea pentru pulverizare se realizează cu solvenţi de sinteză din surse neregenerabile. Acceptanţa consumatorilor pentru astfel de produse este redusă din cauza utilizării aditivilor chimici de sinteză. Este necesară realizarea unor insecticide în întregime ecologice, pe bază de piretrine naturale, a căror sinergizare şi protecţie faţă de radiaţiile UV să se realizeze cu extracte vegetale şi pentru a căror formulare lichidă să se folosească solvenţi ecologici, rezultaţi prin procesarea blândă a unor resurse regenerabile.
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Tincturi din plante medicinale dublu extrase
Call name:
Cecuri de Inovare - 2012
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM, Bucuresti
Project partners:
LABORATOARELE MEDICA SRL, Otopeni, Jud. Ilfov (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM, Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM, Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Necesitate. Folosirea cenuşilor de plante medicinale este o practică utilizată tradiţional în diferite culturi umane, din diferite zone geografice. Combinarea principiilor active din cenuşile plantelor cu maceratele hidroalcoolice din aceleaşi plante reprezintă o nouă formă de tincturi, care sunt practic dublu extrase, şi în care se regăsesc concentrate principiile active aflate în diferitele părţi ale plantelor. Pentru corecta evaluare a influenţei unor astfel de noi forme de tincturi asupra fiziologiei umane, ca şi pentru standardizarea necesară realizării unor astfel de produse la scară industrială, este necesară caracterizarea şi cuantificarea principiilor active folosind tehnici analitice avansate.
Descrierea serviciului de cercetare-dezvoltare. Include activităţi de cercetare industrială şi dezvoltare experimentală pentru obţinerea şi caracterizarea tincturilor dublu extrase: caracterizarea plantelor medicinale, dezvoltarea procedeului propus de dublă extracţie, stabilizarea tincturilor şi cuantificarea ingredientelor active. In afara acestor activităţi, necesare pentru realizarea produsului introducerea lui în fabricaţie, se va acorda asistenţă pentru protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală (referitoare la procedee de extracţie, compoziţii astfel rezultate şi/sau procedee de aplicare), la nivel naţional şi european.
Obiectivele proiectului: (i) elaborarea unui protocol de screening analitic fitochimic, incluzând vitamine B1, B2, B6, produşi de metabolism primar (acizii graşi) şi secundar (polifenoli, flavonoide) microelemente esenţiale (seleniu, fier, crom, zinc); (ii) identificarea şi cuantificarea unora din principiile active din plante de Aloe vera, Annona muricata, Phytolacca decandra; (iii) Realizarea tincturilor dublu extrase (iv) Caracterizarea şi stabilizarea tincturilor şi introducerea lor în fabricaţie; (v) Protejarea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală prin depunerea a 2 cereri de brevet la OSIM şi EPO/WIPO.
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Call name:
Premierea obtinerii atestatului de abilitare - Competitia 2015
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
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[T: 1.5803, O: 765]