Other affiliations
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I am living and working in Cluj-Napoca. In 2010, I completed my PhD thesis in the field of systems engineering. Since 2006, I have been working within National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies (INCDTIM) Cluj-Napoca, managing the Grid site, named RO-14-ITIM. Within INCDTIM, I am involved in several collaboration projects on Grid Computing issues. With the help of project "Development of the INCDTIM DATA CENTER for the realization of a CLOUD platform, integrated in European CDI networks", I developed a cloud site at the Institute, named itimcloud and registered in EGI. Since 2001, I have been an associate professor at the Technical University of Cluj Napoca, where I teach classes at the postgraduate school and at the master's degree in Applied Informatics. I am speaking German as mother language and English as a foreign language. As hobby I am playing tennis and in winter skiing or skating.
List of research grants as project coordinator or partner team leader
Significant R&D projects for enterprises, as project manager
R&D activities in enterprises
Peer-review activity for international programs/projects
[T: 0.3807, O: 119]