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Ph.D. degree award:
Dr. rer. nat.
Scientific Researcher 2nd degree
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Web of Science ResearcherID:
Personal public profile link.
Curriculum Vitae (24/05/2024)
Expertise & keywords
plant biostimulants, biofertilizer, biopesticide, biological plant protection,
Green chemistry
Biophysical chemistry
Analytical chemistry and biochemistry
Organic chemistry
silica nanoparticles
selenium nanoparticles
Publications & Patents
Reviewer section
Foliar fertilizers with increased effectiveness
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect de transfer la operatorul economic
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
Project website:
The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness of the coordinating company, Agsira SRL, and of the farmers using high efficiency fertilizers proposed by the project, by assimilating a RDI result in the field of circular bioeconomy.
The high efficiency fertilizers proposed by this project are in the category of liquid fertilizers, which are applied as a treatment for the aerial parts of plants, by spraying. The novelty is that these fertilizers include brewer's yeast walls with multiple roles: formulation agent (surfactant, moisturizer and foliar adhesive), chelating for mineral oligo- and micro-nutrients and biostimulant for plants.
The objectives of the project are: (i) the development of a pilot plant for the production of high efficiency foliar fertilizers; (ii) validation of pilot technology for the production of high efficiency fertilizers in an industrial environment; (iii) demonstration of the functionality of the technology in the industrial environment by characterizing and testing high efficiency fertilizers.
The main innovative aspect is the use of yeast cell walls as a multifunctional ingredient, formulation agent (surfactant, moisturizer and foliar adhesive), chelating for oligo- and micro-nutrients and biostimulant for plants. Another innovative aspect is the use of a second generation biostimulant, which includes exo-signals for crop plants. Through the proposed project we intend to validate and demonstrate in the industrial environment the fertilizer manufacturing technology using this second generation of plant biostimulants, concentrated exo-signals from the category of elicitors produced from yeast cell wall, which are combined with mannoproteins, formulation agent and chelating.
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Strigolactone mimics as the active ingredient of a multifunctional plant biostimulant
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect experimental - demonstrativ
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); UNIVERSITATEA BUCURESTI (RO); ENPRO SOCTECH COM SRL (RO)
Project website:
The RhizoSTIM project aims to develop a multifunctional next-generation plant biostimulant product based on strigolactones mimics. This product will act both as a modulator of the rhizomicrobiome and as a regulator of plant response to stress. Strigolactones (SL) are both in-planta and ex-planta signals. These compounds are plant hormones, endogenous molecules that regulate plant response to stress, ecomones/semiochemicals, and exogenous signals involved in plants communication in the rhizosphere. The project objectives are: (i) to design and to develop new strigolactones mimics acting on rhizosphere microorganisms and on plant internal regulating cascade; (ii) to understand the effect of strigolactones mimics on rhizosphere microorganisms and model plants (iii) to test the strigolactone mimics on model systems. The expected results of the project are: (i) QSAR / SAR analysis of SLs mimics by predicting their biological activity as plant biostimulants, useful to guide the synthesis of the new strigolactone mimics; (ii) new chemically synthesized SL mimics, (iii) selected SL mimics with specific activities on beneficial microorganisms from the rhizosphere, others than AMF fungi, substantiated by (iv) in silico identification of the strigolactones putative receptors from rhizosphere microorganisms; (v) demonstration of strigolactone mimics effects on plant and rhizosphere microorganisms which should substantiate the claims for a (vi) multifunctional next-generation plant biostimulant. The RhizoStim project main novelties are related to: (i) synthesis of SL mimics according to a QSAR / SAR analysis, (putative) fungal receptor identification, and atom economy concept, and (ii) multifunctionality, related to effects on plant internal regulating cascade and to effects on microorganisms from the rhizosphere.
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Integrated use of the next generation plant biostimulants for an enhanced sustainability of field vegetable high residue farming systems
Call name:
EEA Grants - Proiecte Colaborative de Cercetare
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NO); INSTITUTUL DE CHIMIE MACROMOLECULARA "PETRU PONI" (RO); Norgenotech AS (NO); ENPRO SOCTECH COM SRL (RO); AMIA INTERNATIONAL IMPORT EXPORT S.R.L. (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The project addresses mainly the thematic area of Biotechnology, more exactly the key topic Biotechnology for agriculture, aquaculture, forestry and biomass production. The biotechnological solutions which STIM4+ project proposes to develop are intended to compensate the negative effects of the low-input, high-residue sustainable vegetable production systems. These proposed biotechnological solutions are related to the use of the next generation plant biostimulants. Plant biostimulants represent an emerging class of agricultural input, which protect plants against abiotic stress, enhance / benefits nutrients uptake and improve yield quality . The proposed plant biostimulants to be used for an enhanced sustainability of field vegetables grown in a high residue system are including into all classes / subclasses mentioned in the new EU Regulation 1009/2019. The multi-functional Trichoderma strains-based plant biostimulants (a microbial plant biostimulants) will be included into a glycodinameric, chitosan based bioactive (micro)hydrogel formulation. Decoration of microgels with anchor peptides will be used as a (micro)hydrogel tackifier on the plant residues. The bioactive hydrogel is based on an organic plant biostimulants (chitosan), which will be used to generate a biocompatible 3D porous structure, thermo- and pH-responsive and with a hydrophilic – hydrophobic segregation feature. This hydrophilic – hydrophobic segregation (micro)hydrogels will be used for embedding hydrophobic mimetic strigolactones. Propper application technologies of such smart formulated hydrophobic molecules will be developed, to exploit strigolactones both functions, as exo-signals for a better harnessing of beneficial microbiome and as cue for deleterious organisms (e.g. to induce suicidal germination of parasitic plants). The smart formulated bioproducts / agricultural inputs and the agricultural practices intended to exploit their specific features of such bioproducts are an example of biotechnologies for agriculture. The natural strigolactones mimics will be a part of the microbial standardized extract, which we intend to produce from microalgae culture and which is another example of organic plant biostimulant. This microbial standardized extract will include natural strigolactones, polyamines and betaines. Both strigolactones and polyamines are exo- and endo-signals. As exo-signals, both strigolactones and polyamines have been demonstrated to enhance mycorrhizae hyphal branching and root colonization. As endo-signals, both strigolactones and polyamines are involved in plant stress responses. Betaine also supports plant response to stress, especially to drought. Strigolactone mimics used for laboratory screening will be synthetized based on a rational bio-design. The inorganic plant biostimulants are represented by selenium, as zerovalent nano-selenium. A large body of evidence demonstrates that selenium acts as a plant biostimulant. Selenium protects plants against abiotic stress, especially drought, enhances / benefits nutrient uptake and improves edible yield quality. Nanoselenium (zerovalent) particles show a much lower environmental impact and an improved efficiency compared to other selenium species. Application of selenium nanoparticles reduces the risk of accumulation of polyamines in the edible yield. From a food safety point-of-view, accumulation of polyamines in vegetables grown into HV mulch could have some carcinogenic effects, because polyamines were found to support proliferation of various tumor cells.
The project is an interdisciplinary one and address also other key topics as Environmental impact and risk assessment of the modern, new and emerging technologies and products. Safety and environmental impact of the new developed products will be determined by a state-of-art 3R techniques, by Norway partners. The project contributes to the objectives and the priorities of the call. It supports research cooperation between Romania and Norway and consolidate a strategic partnership.
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Better harnessing of Trichoderma biotechnological potential for biorefinery and as plant biostimulants by controlled development and biosynthesis
Call name:
P 4 - Proiecte de Cercetare Exploratorie, 2020
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Project TOTAL aims to investigate and integrate abiotic modulation and epigenetic control of Trichoderma strains within the context of Trichoderma interactions with biomass and living matter, for better harnessing of Trichoderma biotechnological potential. The specific objectives of the project are: (i) To establish and optimize the combined effects of light and nutrients on expression of proteins acting on plant cell walls and spore formation by Trichoderma strains; (ii) To optimize the deconstruction of plant cell walls by Trichoderma secreted proteins; (iii) To synergize the plant biostimulants effects of Trichoderma chlamydospores. The current approaches targeted the optimization of Trichoderma utilization either in agriculture or in biorefinery. The optimization of culture conditions have been in general focused either on improving sporulation to be used in biopesticides formulations or on the enzyme production for biomass deconstruction. Secondary products have been usually disregarded and discarded. An integrative technology to benefit from both advantages that Trichoderma offers has not been established. We plan to integrate the investigation of the fundamental aspects of Trichoderma development (light-, nutrient- and stress- mediated chlamydospore formation; cell signaling pathways; epigenetic effects) with its growth optimization for the use in both biomass valorization and plant biostimulant formulations.
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Integrated platform for “smart” valorization of biomass
Call name:
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti ()
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti ()
Project website:
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Sequential processes of closing the side streams from bioeconomy and innovative (bio)products resulting from it
Call name:
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti ()
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti ()
Project website:
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Biogenic nano-system for targeted delivery of bioactive ingredients on dysbiosis biofilm involved in gingivitis and periodontitis
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect experimental - demonstrativ
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
BioNanoGum project proposal aims to develop an innovative biogenic nano-system for resolution of dysbiosis oral biofilms and inflammation involved in gingivitis and periodontitis, based on an innovative bacterial nanocellulose - fungal (nano)chitosan stimuli-responsive hydrogel, biogenic selenium nanoparticles (bioSeNPs), and hollow pollen shells filled with biogenic silica nanoparticles (bioSiOxNPs). Gingivitis and periodontitis affect more than 30% of globe population and can lead to teeth loss, but also other complications and severe diseases (Alzheimer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases). SeNPs, silicic acid released from SiOxNPs, and chitosan nano-structures determine (frank) resolution of dysbiosis biofilms and inflammation. However, there are also several drawbacks such as a very narrow physiological window (in the case of Se), or induced inflammation through a MAMPs similar mechanism, mediated by the Toll-like receptors (in the case of SiOxNPs). New formulations are needed in order to reduce risks of negative effects and to optimize the beneficial effects. BioNanoGum will use compounds acting complementary to SeNPs, which will lead to the reduction of Se dose. The pollen shells, obtained by Kombucha fermentation, will be used as encapsulation carriers for SiOxNPs, which allows bearing benefits from the anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and wound-healing effects of the silicic acid slowly released from bioSiOxNPs. The biogenic nano-system will deliver different components into a complementary manner and will act both on the resolution of pathogenic biofilms and on that of inflammation. BioNanoGum involves the niche between biotechnology and nanotechnology with health applications. This niche market has a significant growing potential, because it addresses several of the main health problems in the European Union and worldwide, from the beginning of the 21st century : an ageing population, with an increased incidence of non-communicable / chronic disease.
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New Amine based DES’s SOlvent development for CO2 capture in a demonstrative pilot Installation by Chemical Absorption Technology
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect experimental - demonstrativ
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURESTI (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The purpose of this project is to develop the post-combustion chemical absorption of carbon dioxide by testing new physico-chemical solvents hybrid amine-deep eutectic solvents (DES). In this project, at least three types of amine eutectic hybrid solvents, (ChCl-MEA), (ChCl-DEA) and (ChCl-MDEA) will be used. Through experimental and modeling-simulation studies, the validation of the CO2 capture post-combustion technology in the case of its integration in the circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) technology using fossil fuels such as lignite will be conducted. At the same time, it is desired to identify CO2 sequestration solutions by developing algae culture that are characterized by an absorption capacity of 15-20 times higher than the usual plants. The overall objective of the project is to develop the technological maturity level (from TRL 3 to TRL 4) up to the laboratory scale of the CFBC plant provided with post-combustion CO2 capture through chemical absorption belonging to the „CO2 Capture Technologies” laboratory from the Power Engineering Faculty from University Polytechnic of Bucharest. Optimization and validation of CO2 chemical absorption technology will focus on: reducing the energy penalty; solvent flow minimization (L/G ratio); increasing the absorption capacity of the hybrid amine-DES solvent; diminish of solvent losses in the absorption-desorption columns; evaluation of economic indicators CAPEX, OPEX, the levelised cost of electricity as well as the cost avoided with CO2 emission. Together with the coordinator of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, the consortium also includes the partner ICECHIM - the National Research and Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry recognized for its experience in the development of chemical, physical solvents and respectively the development of algae cultures for CO2 sequestration.
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Biorefining of the side streams resulted from cyprinids commercialization
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect de transfer la operatorul economic
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Project partners:
MEDICA FARMIMPEX S.R.L. (RO); INSTITUTUL NATIONAL DE CERCETARE DEZVOLTARE PENTRU STIINTE BIOLOGICE (RO); Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The aim of the project is to increase the competitivness of the coordinating company Medica Farmimpex and of the economic agents beneficiaries of the products obtained by the project, by assimilating some CDI results and by strengthening the partnership with research units in the fild of Bioeconomy-Biotechnology.
As result of this project it is expected to obtain high value-added products, trough an integrated extractive biotechnology, from the side streams of the commercialization of freshwater fish (cypridins).
Through the biotechnology that would be carried out at industrial level by the project coordinator, they will recover from the lateral flows of freshwater fish processing: collagen hydrolysate (nutraceuticals for human use) and gelatin like polypeptides (plant biostimulants). The remaining residue after the extraction of the peptides is processed into bone flour which is an essential nutritional supplement for feeding predatory fishes. Each of these products has a high use value associated with a significant market value.
The objectives of the project are: (i) to develope a pilot installation to obtain high valued products from the side streams of the fish commercialization; (ii) to validate the integrated technology in industrial environment; (iii) to demonstrate the functionality of the technology in the industrial environment by characterising and testing the obtained high added - value products.
The innovative character is given by the integrated concept of total capitalisation of the fish by-products. Another innovative aspect is the development of the quality assurance system, using NIR spectroscopic sensors coupled with a chemometric analysis.
The project parteners are INCDSB and INCD-ICHECHIM. INCDSB has the necessary expertise to transfer the technology for obtaining collagen hydrolysates. INCD-ICECHIM has the expertise to obtain and characterise the peptides as plants biostimulants.
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Closing the bioeconomy value chains by manufacturing market demanded innovative bioproducts
Call name:
P 1 - SP 1.2 - Proiecte complexe realizate in consorții CDI
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Agriculture and food industry in Romania generates large amounts of co/by-products, which are not used and turn into wastes, with negative impacts. The approach of the project PRO-SPER is to develop integrated processes, flexible and interconnected, to transform a number of agro-food by-products in bio-products, with market demand. This approach facilitates the achievement of project goals, complex-coordination and linking of the research organizations that are members of the Consortium, INCDCP-ICMPP, UDJ, ICECHIM, INCDSB and UAV, for improving their institutional performance in the field of nano-and bio-technologies of their application into bioeconomy.
The overall objective of the project PRO-SPER is to increase the impact of research and development activities and innovation of the RDI institutions, by developing and harnessing innovative technological solutions for bio-nano-processing of several by-products from the bioeconomy value chains, for recovering and/or formation of value-added components and their use in order to obtain products with high added value.
Expected results through the implementation of the project (21 new jobs, 23 national patent applications and international patent applications 6 EPO/WIPO; 10 technologies/new products resulting from the project, at a level of technological maturity to enable taking over by the operators, 5 services research and technological research services 10 cheques, 10 experiments cheques services
80 internship of young researchers from and within partner institutions, 50 visits for developing new techniques for working jointly in the Consortium, 30 training internships for new employees, 28scientific papers, 1 joint program CDI, in line with the development plan of institutional partners) have a significant impact on the capacity-building of the partners in the Consortium.
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Production of ferulic acid, 2,3 Butanediole and microbial plant biostimulants from lignocellulosic biomass by a two-step cascading process
Call name:
P 3 - SP 3.2 - Proiecte ERA.NET
Role in this project:
Partner team leader
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); ENPRO SOCTECH COM SRL (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The DEBUT project aims to develop a small biorefinery process, with two steps: 1) biomass pre-treatment with natural deep eutectic solvents (NaDES); and 2) one pot production of a versatile chemical, 2,3 butanediol (2,3-BD), from NaDES pre-treated lignocellulose biomass, by simultaneous saccarification and fermentation (SSF), performed by a plant biostimulant microbial consortia. The main biochemicals resulting from the biorefinery process are phenolic acids, specially ferulic acid, and 2,3-BD. Phenolic acids address mainly health and wellness-related industries, whereas 2,3-BD is a versatile chemical, with a fast-growing market. The proposed biorefinery process produces also agricultural inputs such as lignin, minerals and microbial plant biostimulants. A first project novelty is related to the use of a plant biostimulant microbial consortium for simultaneous saccarification and fermentation of lignocellulose. According to our knowledge such approach has not been done yet. On such process there are no by-products – recalcitrant lignocellulose, not converted to 2-3 BD, together with embedded microbial biostimulants biomass, is a useful agricultural input - a microbial plant biostimulant. Process up-scale to TRL5 is done also in an innovative manner, through adaptation of the already known equipment to newly developed technology. For NaDES extraction we propose to use the continuous operated reconfigurable columns systems, applied for decades for various types of extraction (e.g. for extraction of soluble from coffee). For SSF with microbial plant biostimulant consortium we propose the use of vacuum operated ploughshare mixer. This approach will ensure not only a better recovery of volatile 2,3 BD, but also a higher specificity of the fermentation medium, due to micro-aerobic conditions. The DEBUT project proposes a new approach of small scale biorefinery, compatible with a farm facility, which valorises agricultural side streams, with recovery of minerals and lignin (main precursor of soil organic matter) for agricultural use, and production of an innovative agricultural input, a microbial plant biostimulant. The project proposes a biotechnological two step cascading process, which converts excess lignocellulosic biomass into biochemicals (phenolic acids, 2,3 B-D), with added-value and fast-growing market. The main innovative solutions, NaDES and microbial plant biostimulant, are investigated for their potential adverse effects by a battery of state-of-the art techniques, in an trans-national partnership, to ensure that they do not affect natural ecosystem productivity.
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Innovative green technologies for valorisation of lignocellulose
Call name:
P 1 - SP 1.1 - Proiecte de cercetare pentru stimularea tinerelor echipe independente
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The scientific scope of the INTELIGRENCE project is to develop an innovative green technology, based on natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) and enzymatic processes, for multi-stage cascading use and valorisation of lignocellulosic biomass. The following interrelated specific objectives will be addressed: (1) to elaborate NADESs with high feruloyl esterase (FAE) compatibility and ability to extract ferulic acid (FA) from biomass; (2) to develop NADESs for cellulose valorisation into nanocelullose and the subsequent saccharification of the polysaccharides; (3) to investigate and optimize the use of selected NADESs in a multi-stage cascading processing of a lignocellulosic substrate. The project brings several innovative elements: the first time use of a high-throughput experimentation (HTE) approach for characterization and optimization of NADESs-based formulations for lignocellulose processing; in-situ lipophilisation of FA and generation of secondary (hydrophobic) NADESs from FA; the use of NADESs in association with enzymatic cocktails incorporating the recently discovered lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) during the second step of the multi-stage cascading approach. The applied direction is related to the high added value of the main products (ferulic acid and nano-cellulose) intended to be obtained from lignocellulose by the proposed cascading NADES-enzymes treatment approach. Ferulic acid is an ideal precursor for the production of bio-vanillin and it exhibits a wide variety of biological activities, having a market which will exceed $100 million (US), mainly due to the increased demand for anti-aging serum based on ferulic acid. Nanocellulose market will exceed $250 million (US) in 2023, due to applications related to composites, packaging, coatings, biomedicine and automotive. The new scientific data will be relevant also for the biological significance of NADESs that are formed from components which are normally present in biological systems.
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Development of a demonstrator to produce next generation plant biostimulants based on root exudates
Call name:
P 3 - SP 3.2 - Proiecte ERA.NET - COFUND
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); CHEMI CERAMIC F SRL (RO); RODAX IMPEX S.R.L. (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Plant biostimulants are a new class of agricultural inputs, which increase nutrient uptake and nutrient use efficiency, improve plant tolerance to abiotic stress and enhance crop quality. The DEMETRE project aims to develop and to validate devices, tooling and equipment needed to (bio)manufacture a new product, from the (emerging) next generation of plant biostimulants. The proposed new plant biostimulants product is based on concentrated bioactive compounds from root exudates. The main innovation overcurrent state-of-the art is related to the new, flexible (bio)manufacturing method, which join two known products in a two-in-one synergic product. During its use, the proposed two-in-one product will fulfill two functions: as soil conditioner and as reservoir for the slow release of the selected bioactive compound(s). The needs addressed by the project DEMETRE are related to: (i) agricultural market requirements for new inputs, reducing the consumption and the environmental impact of agrochemicals while maintaining / increasing profitability; and (ii) societal requirements for a circular (bio)economy, wherein the loop is closed due to the valorization of agroindustrial byproducts. In the last years the interest of the economic agents and researchers for the development of new, more active plant biostimulants have been growing. Such active ingredients were proposed to be searched among exosignals, which regulate the plant – beneficial microbes interactions. Root exudates are a source of chemical signals shaping rhizosphere interactions, thus are a logical target to produce next generation plant biostimulant.
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A next generation plant biostimulant based on strigolactones included into stimuli responsive nanoformulation
Call name:
P 3 - SP 3.2 - Proiecte ERA.NET
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); INSTITUTUL DE CHIMIE MACROMOLECULARA "PETRU PONI" (RO); ENPRO SOCTECH COM SRL (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
The BENDIS project aims to integrate technologies for the industrial production of a next generation plant biostimulant based on strigolactones (SL) analogs and/or mimics, included into a stimulus-controlled release nanoformulation. A better harnessing of exogenously applied SL analogues/mimics requires such formulations, which protect SL from rapid degradation and promote their steady release at the biologically active concentrations under controlled conditions – i.e. roots mediated pH changes in the soil. The nanoformulation includes mesoporous nanosilica, loaded with a hydrophobic "green" solvent with dissolved SL analogues/mimics. Mesoporous nanosilica particles are decorated with humic acids, wherein SL are embedded. Humic acids are immobilized on mesoporous silica through an aminopropyl bonding.
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Selenium nanoparticles biosynthesis with amplified bioactivity
Call name:
Role in this project:
Project coordinator
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti ()
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti ()
Project website:
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A next generation plant biostimulants product
Call name:
P 2 - SP 2.1 - Proiect experimental - demonstrativ
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); CHEMI CERAMIC F SRL (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
This project aims to develop and to validate a new product, from the (emerging) next generation of plant biostimulants. This new product includes concentrated active ingredients, from a new bio-resource, and a carrier, acting itself as a plant biostimulants. Plant biostimulants assure sustainable intensification of agricultural production, in face of major challenges. The main project novelty is related to: (i) the active ingredient concentration process, from a new bio-resource, assisted by a new electrochemical technique, for peroxynitrite determination and (ii) the formulation process, wherein a carrier with biostimulants characteristics is used. The existing category of non-microbial plant biostimulants are extracts of organic fertilizers / organic amendments, traditionally used in agriculture. Organic non-microbial plant biostimulants shall contain “carbon of solely animal or plant origin” (COM (2016) 157), thus the next generation of more active and more efficient plant biostimulants will be concentrated bioactives from the present / existing extracts. Project NEXUS objectives are: (i) to optimize product components and to improve compatibility; (ii) to develop demonstration model, through components integration and (iii) to test and to validate demonstration model, on laboratory conditions. Objectives are related to different TRL. Improved compatibility and optimal composition of microalgae extract (1st objective) allow critical function and/or characteristic analysis and improvement (TRL 3). Components integration (2nd objective) and product testing in laboratory conditions (3rd objective) permit technological development till TRL 4. The project work plan is divided into 6 activities (Work Packages): WP1 Humic acids loaded macroporous ceramics; WP2 Optimized microalgae concentrated extract; WP3 Concentrated bioactives inclusion into humic acids – porous ceramic; WP4 Bioassay of biostimulant activities; WP5 Dissemination and exploitation; WP6 Management.
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Conversion of phytogenic silica reach food industry by-products into value-added products
Call name:
P 3 - SP 3.2 - Proiecte ERA.NET
ERA IB2 ERANET-ERA-IB-15-129-Convert-Si
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO); UNIVERSITATEA DE STIINTE AGRONOMICE SI MEDICINA VETERINARA (RO); LABORATOARELE MEDICA S.R.L. (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Convert-Si project aims to develop optimized processes for a total conversion of industrial plants by-products into value-added products. Main innovative contribution is related to the introduction of a (pre)treatment step based on new microbial products: non-catalytic small proteins from cerato-platanin family (CP), which weaken (ligno)cellulose structure, metabolites from silicon solubilizing microorganisms (SiM) and super-active ligno-cellulolytic enzymes Convert-all project integrated approach is intended to close a biomimetic industrial symbiosis. The by-products of one conversion process represent raw material for other conversion steps. Convert-Si proposed cascade process is applied to two value-added chains: cereal husks and/or bran, fruit/grape pomace. From these the following ingredients are recovered: anti-oxidant polyphenols and/or feruloylated oligosaccharides, useful for new cosmetics and dietary supplement products; essential oil terpenes and (brassino)steroids, trapped and/or bounded by/to lignocellulose network, with plant growth stimulating and/or insects repellent activities; biosilica (BSi); fermentable carbohydrates, recalcitrant lignin. BSi, fermentable carbohydrates and recalcitrant lignin are converted into mesoporous silica nanoparticles, value added fermented food / feed (probiotics) supplements and, respectively, substrate for plant biostimulants formulation. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles are used for the “ smart”, controlled released formulation of the recovered polyphenols, essential oils, and (brassino)steroids. Recalcitrant lignin, together with the biomass of CP producing microorganisms and, respectively, SiM will be used for the production of a complex plant biostimulant. Safety and efficacy of biosilica nano-particles and “smart” formulated phytoextracts will be tested by state of the art high through-output cell assay.
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Peroxynitrite: Relevance for Food Safety and Novel Electrochemical Detection
Call name:
Exploratory Research Projects - PCE-2011 call
Role in this project:
Key expert
Coordinating institution:
Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti
Project partners:
Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si Petrochimie - ICECHIM Bucuresti (RO)
Project website:
Considering this toxicity potential of peroxynitrite formation in meat with impact for food safety, it is proposed herein to develop advanced tools to quantify the presence of peroxynitrite in food: meat, in real-time in situ. While there are several detection methodsavailable for peroxynitrite (e.g. oxidation of fluorescent probes, EPR spectroscopy, probe nitration, chemiluminescence, immun-histochemistry) these tend to be more elaborate and difficult to apply for real-time quantification, due to their inherent complexity. The electrochemical detection of peroxynitrite would be a simpler and more convenient technique.
Based on initial results and specific knowhow, the team final goals are to develop electrochemical ONOO- sensitive in situ methods, based on new/improved (metalloporphyrins and conjugated polymers) nanocomposies, for detection its dynamics in foods such as meat-fish tissue and use the results to better understand ONOO− implications for food quality and safety. Once perfected as analytical tools, the peroxynitrite microprobes could be studied for possible use in pharmacology and toxicology.
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[T: 0.6675, O: 397]